Woke up in her arms

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a/n : this is base of my dream but I change the story a little

(917 words)

-y/n's pov-

"what a tired day"

I just came home after a long and tired day. Today Jiu said she will come home late because Dreamcatcher have meetings about their side track performance for music show

I miss Jiu so much. I hope I can hug her now, but she's not home. I wonder what time she will come home? I decide to text her

Me : Darling, I'm sorry for bothering you while you are working, but what time will you come home?

I wait for one minute and suddenly my phone ringing. Someone call me...

* My Sunshine♡ *


"what wrong baby? Something wrong happen?"

"no. Everything is okay, don't worry. I just want to know what time you will come home"

"oh... I don't know yet. We still have things to discuss. Why?"

"nothing, I'm just..."

"miss me already?"


"I miss you too, but I'm so sorry. I can't go home now"

"It's okay. I can do something else while waiting for you. Don't worry about me and focus in your work, okay?"

"okay... I'll go straight to home after everything finish"

"don't be rushing. I don't want to burden you. Take your time. I'll wait for you"

"sure, I love you baby"

"I love you too darling"

I end the call. What should I do now? Maybe take a shower and rest? Yeah, that's a good idea

I go to bathroom and take a shower. After 20 minutes, I finished shower and wear my pajama.

I lay down one the bed and scrolling though my phone. I was so tired. after a few minutes, I fall asleep.

-Jiu's pov-

Is it still many things to discuss? Y/n must be want me to be home now. I know she doesn't want to bothering me but I'm also miss her so much

I was deeply in thought when suddenly someone wave her hand infront of me. It's Sua

"Jiu are you listening?" Sua said and take me back to reality

"oh sorry. What did you say?"

"Jiu what's wrong?" Sua ask me


"unnie, can you see? She miss her baby after talking with her on the phone before" Gahyeon teasing me, but she was right

"hahaha she really in love" Yoohyeon said

Everyone laugh and keep teasing me. I feel embracing.

"Unnie, is there more important things to discuss or we can just let Jiu unnie go home?" Dami ask to our manager unnie

"hmm I think there nothing more important. I will text you the other. You can go home now Jiu"

"really? I mean, it's okay I can wait until we finish"

"you talk to much unnie, just go now. You can't even focus because you worry about y/n" Handong said while pulled me up from my chair. Siyeon pick up all my things and put it in my bag, then pass the bag to me

"here. Go unnie. Be careful" Siyeon and the other said while push me go out from the meeting room

"is it really okay if I go home now?" I hesitated

"really. Just go. Bye unnie!" they all said and waved at me

"thank you girls. Bye! See you all tomorrow!" I waved back at them

"see you!" they said

I quickly go out from the company and jump into the car. Manager oppa sent me to home.

-y/n's pov-

I was sleeping when suddenly I felt an arms around me. I'm also smelling something sweet, I think this was a scent of perfume. This scent smell familiar. The smell that I just to smell everyday...

Wait... This is smell like Jiu. Is she here?

I slowly open my eyes and saw someone neck with necklace. The necklace was same with mine...

Is it mean this person is Jiu?

When did she came home? I thought she will come home late

I lift my head and saw Jiu beautiful face that was sleep quietly. I came to her closer and peck her lips softly and I smiled

"what are you doing?"

Jiu awake?

"you not sleeping?"

She opened her eyes slowly

"I was sleeping but you kiss me so I accidently wake up"

"oh sorry. You must be tired"

"it's okay"

"when did you came home?"

"20 minutes after we ended call"

"are your meeting done?"

"no, I leave before it finish"

"why did you do that?! It's important!" I was so shocked

"but my baby miss me and I miss her too. She's more important"

Jiu pulled me closer to her that made my face meet her neck. She hugged me tightly. I miss her scent so much

"is it okay to do that?"

I push her a little and lock our eyes together

"actually, the members and manager told me to go first. They said it's nothing more important to discuss. So they push me to come home earlier. They know I'm worry about you"

"oh, they are really kind"

"yes they are"

She said and I hug her more tightly than before

"miss me too much huh?" she chuckle

"shut up" I said in sulk voice

She just laughed and kiss my forehead

"thank you Jiu, for always be here for me"

"anything for my baby"

"I love you Jiu, so much. More than what you think"

"I love you more y/n, more than you love me"



Thank you for reading :)

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