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Today was Eid. I went to sleep around 3am because I had to iron my clothes. I was hoping to get at least 2 and a half hours of sleep but no, I was woken up by my mom around four. I went back to sleep and soon my sister's alarm started to ring. She did not wake up so I had to call her. By then it was like 5.15 something? I went back to sleep for at least 15 minutes but no. I could not sleep. 

omg i feel like y/n writng this

we went to the eid prayer

it was nice

it wasn't that crowded but it was nice to be around more people

Corona's still around but our country has clearly eased a lot of restrictions

my mom was really stressed

i guess it was because she had a lot to do

I fell asleep afterward

i hate sleeping during the daytime normally

and then i had a nightmare

oh well

my mom was mad i slept instead of helping cook

i guess it's understandable since i rarely sleep

i cleaned the house w/ my sister to make up for it

we went outside later

it was fun

we took aesthetic pictures

but then some creep recorded my sister and i

he went away when my mom started glaring

at least i had a mask on

my mom made my favourite foods

I'm happy


gosh what is this-

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