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Satoko awoke with a start, another nightmare she thought as she made her way out of the warm sheets of her bed. 4:00 is what the time said on her clock as she passed by it on her way to the kitchen. She quickly fixed herself [favorite coffee/tea/hot cocoa]. It was still dark out and she decided it would be nice to see the sunrise. Satoko went on her balcony that overlooked the city. She could see the school from there. It was peaceful sitting there on her balcony watching the sunrise in colors of orange, yellow, and red. She read some out of her favorite book, Gone with the wind.
Satoko read until 5 when she decided to get ready for another day of tutoring. She put on her outfit and headed out the door with her purse in hand. She passed by her neighbors who she adored dearly. "Hello sweetie! Have a good day!" Mrs. Rollis said waving. She was an old lady but she was the sweetest, she used to invite Satoko over for tea when she first moved into the apartment complex. "Good morning Mrs. Rollis! Thank you! Tell your husband i said hello." Satoko said bowing. "I will dear." Mrs. Rollis said back kindly. Satoko went on her way to the train station. When she got there she remembered to help the younger kids onto the train as usual. "Good morning Lisa and joi! Where's your brother?" Satoko said questionably. "He's sick Miss Lolli." Lisa said looking up at Satoko. "Oh poor dear, tell him i said get well. Now come, don't want to miss the train." Satoko said moving them into the train. When Satoko got to the school most kids were in class as usual. She went through her tutoring students quickly, she was running late for Sean though. She knew she might have to keep him until school ended. When she got to his class, she made sure to apologize and ask if she could take Sean from the rest of his lessons, which the kind teacher permitted with a small smile. So Her and Sean made their way to her classroom. "Sean today your lessons will go into school letting out, i apologize. I lost track of time with my other students." Satoko said softly. "That's alright Lolli ⟟ don't mind." Sean said sitting in his usual seat.


after Satoko and Sean went through our lesson, the school bell rang. "oh that was the bell, you need to get your bag still right? come on i'll walk with you until your outside." Satoko said looking over at Sean. "that would be nice, thank you." Sean said. when they got to Sean's classroom the students had all left and were beginning to make their way outside. "i got by bag, let's go." sean said beginning to make his way outside with Satoko.  When Sean and Sotoko made their way outside, they saw Han leant up against a very expensive car. she quickly realized what kind it was. it was a car her friend had wanted for years but couldn't afford to buy it. "Sean, come on." Han said opening the door. "I'll get you your money." Sean said not wanting to leave his favorite tutor who he looked to as a sister. Han scoffed eating a chip. he stared at Satoko. she was lost in space and wasn't aware of his staring. "you act like you've got a choice." han said, not looking away from the young looking girl. Sean looked over to Satoko, he noticed she was lost in thought. he put a hand on her shoulder, "are you alright?" he said concerned. "oh! what? yeah i'm fine." Satoko said snapping into focus. "goodbye sean, ⟟'ll see you later." she said quickly pulling the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder as she walked away. she took notice of them both staring at her while she walked away.


*knock knock knock* Satoko heard as she made her way through her apartment to her door. when she opened it she saw a familiar face, eating a chip, staring at her. "hello." he said. "hello Han, what brings you here?" she said confused, she wasn't even sure how he got her apartment number. but she really didn't want to know in the first place.
"you seemed distant earlier, i wanted to check up on you." Han said nervously. "that's sweet. but i think i'm fine. would you like to come in anyways? it's dark out and i just made some
fresh chocolate chip cookies." "sure, thank you." Han said walking into her apartment. it was small but filled with color. her walls were painted a vibrant lavender. she had multiple different colored chairs all of which looked out of place and in the perfect spot at the same time. she had a record player with many songs. he noticed all the plants that looked healthy and counter tops that looked almost untouched if it weren't for a few collectibles on top. it was different from how she dressed. he sat down in a chair at her dining table. "here you are." she said smiling, bring in some cookies which looked perfect. smelt perfect to. she was perfect. "thank you very much." he wasn't a cookie type of person but they looked and tasted amazing.
he only ate a few before looking back up to Satoko. "when did you get into car racing?" he asked. "i've always liked cars ever since i was a toddler. when i was a teen, a new kid introduced me to her friends which were car dealership owners. they said they wanted to show me something. and they took me behind their garage and there was a whole place for street racing that the cops didn't pick up on. they taught me how to race and to drift. and i soon got the hang of it." Satoko said truthfully. "why do you want Sean so bad?" Satoko said, asking him a question in return. "he has potential, i saw a look in his eye.
he is filled with determination and stupidity. not a very good combination, but he likes to race. same
thing a few of my closest friends have done in the past." han said looking into Satoko's eyes. "you should stay the night, i have a spare bedroom you can use. it's late and i really don't want you out at night. i don't mind." Satoko said looking at the clock 2:30. han pondered it for a minute, "very well." satoko showed him his room and gave him a few extra blankets and pillows just in case. "bathrooms down the hall to the right. goodnight Han." Satoko said softly and small smile gracing her lips. Han couldn't help but stare, "yeah. goodnight to you to lolli dear." she blushed a faint red. she turned and closed the door behind her with a soft click.

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