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Author P.O.V

Kiba raced through the forest at top speed alongside Shino. They had just managed to escape the village and try and track down Naruto that had ran away after the villagers threatened Lady Tsunade about protecting 'someone like him'.

After the blonde came back from his three year training with Jiraiya Sensei he immediately opened up to everyone about how strong he was and how he has grown because of it. Immediately he received, threats, backlash, and backhanded comments from those who he only wanted to be accepted by, the villagers.

"Kiba! Slow down!" Shino called out to him.

Kiba was buried in the sand of resentment towards the people who have continued to make Naruto's life a living hell, including but not excessively his friends who made the blonde feel as though he was by himself in all of this.


"WHAT!" Kiba spat halting on a branch breathlessly.

Shino stood on the branch with him and looked at his teammate with concern. He was unsure of what he should say because he knew Kiba took all that has happened personal, making it a sensitive topic to bring.

Something Shino didn't have a lot of knowledge in.

"You need to take your time or you'll exhaust yourself." Shino tried, hoping to get him to calm down.

"And what...you'll abandon me too..." Kiba panted with irritation in his voice.

"...you know I wouldn't."

"I thought you wouldn't! But...apparently all my friends...aren't what I thought they actually were!"

"You're upset, you need to calm-"

"Don't fucking try and tell me what to do Shino! This wouldn't have happened if you guys had been his friends like you were supposed to be!" Kiba yelled, having enough of the excuses. "He would've sacrificed everything for each of you over and over again, but what do you all do? Nothing!"


"In a village where the majority of people hate him. He should've never felt like this was the only option he had if he had good friends."

"You're wrong!" Shino declared.

"Then fucking prove it!"

"The others aren't used to it like, you, Hinata and I! That type of thing isn't the norm in our village and coming from someone they labeled as a demon fox for years wouldn't have made it any better. Naruto made the mistake himself of revealing that to everyone instead of beginning with those that cared about him!"


"They were in shock Kiba! Ino and Sakura tried to visit him but admittedly made it awkward, Team Gai have been in the hospital with Hinata since she fainted in Ino's family shop window, and the rest of us were busy defending him from the civilians who actively planned to take him out. We couldn't have been there for him like we wanted too because we were all in shock and defending him in other places."


"You're the only one that could've been there with him like you wanted to Kiba. But that doesn't mean that the rest of us didn't care about him, and I'm sorry to both of you if we made it look like that."

"But in the end we all came together by The Hokage's side and all stand up to protect him."

Kiba felt like a ball of emotion was spiraling inside of him, a mixture of grief, anger and guilt stirring up. He was the only one he could consider a friend in this time and even he felt like he didn't do enough to reassure Naruto of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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