Sway boys mom

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hi i'm jess and i'm the mom of the sway boys which include:
josh-19 they are not twins
quinton (q) 14
they all do tik tok, and all but quinton are out of school.
we do have a reality show on IGTV but other then we are a normal family.

right now, i'm in the kitchen trying to not yell at my 14 year old, but he isn't really making it easy.

jess: quinton, i've told you 5 times already, you are not going to that party
q: why fucking not
jess: okay first of all, watch it or so help me, you will be sitting on that toilet with soap in your mouth. (i say pointing to the bathroom across the kitchen) second bc i said so.
just then my 17 year old noah, came downstairs and i could tell he wanted something
q: mom, that's not fair all my friends are going!
jess: okay well you're not. end of discussion. go to your room, till dinner. or at least until you can control or mouth, bc im this close to bending you over this counter mister.
q: oh my gosh ( he rolled his eyes)
noah:  q, you really aren't helping your case.
q: shut it noah
jess: quinton, go to your room i'm not gonna tell you again.
q: FINE! (he storms off to his room)
noah: what is his problem.
jess: idk but i'm tired of it
noah: yeah me too, well i have a question
jess: sure what's up
noah: now before you say anything i want you to hear me out.
jess: okay?
noah: can i go with dixie to the movies this weekend?
jess: no can do bud, you know you're grounded.
noah: ik ik, but i've been working at it and it has gotten better.
jess: you're right it has, but that doesn't change the fact that you took your anger about you losing the game out on me, does it?
noah: no ma'am ( he looks down)
jess: and it wouldn't be fair to bryce and josh who are also grounded that i let you go out but not them right?
noah: right
jess: okay, next weekend you're ungrounded so go for it but not this weekend.
noah: okay
jess: okay.
noah went upstairs to his room.
so yup that's right i currently have 3 out of my 5 kids grounded. some parents say i'm strict, but i just do what works for my family. and i normally have very well behaved kids but recently i've been letting a lot of stuff slide, and they are taking advantage of that so i had to put my foot down. plus living in a house and being the only girl, isn't the easiest. i can't let them think they can get away with everything so i'm stricter. i'm not the strictest but i do have my rules. i was brought out of my thoughts when i heard a bang come from upstairs.
bryce: mom...
jess: bryce...
bryce: i need help
jess: i'm coming
i make my way upstairs expecting the worst, but when i get up there i see all 5 of my boys standing in front of the tv. i push my way to the front and all i see is the tv screen completely shattered, with some pieces of glass on the floor.
jess: who wants to tell me what fucking happened?
all eyes look at bryce. oh boy
jess: bryce?
bryce: so... i might have got mad at FIFA and threw my controller at it. but i wasn't satisfied, so i threw the big rock at it
jess: you threw what at it?!
bryce: i'm sorry
jess: ( i take a big deep breath ) were you playing alone?
bryce: all of us were playing except for noah.

i can see josh is pissed that bryce snitch on him but i really don't care.
jess: i see. well i'm gonna go down stairs and this is gonna get cleaned up by all of you, even you noah. i'll call y'all down when i'm NOT about to kill y'all, understand?
the boys (tb)
tb: yes ma'am.

i went downstairs to calm down. bc i knew if i didn't i would actually hurt them and i don't want to do that. i don't even know what to do. i mean they were grounded but they still played so it's obvious they don't care. and i don't want to be too harsh but they don't help their case. i really don't know, ig i'll decide on the spot but i do need to do something.

jess: bryce michael, and joshua kenneth, get down here now
bryce: this should be fun
josh: i wouldn't even be in trouble if you didn't snitch on me.
bryce well i'm not the only way who disobeyed her so.
josh: whatever
jess: don't make this worse, come downstairs now!
these boys will be the death of me i swear.
(bryce and josh come downstairs and jess points them to the couch)
jess: sit.
tb: yes ma'am
jess: so not only did bryce break the tv, you both played video games when y'all are grounded.
josh: to be fair
jess: joshua.
josh: k.

jess: i don't even know what to do bc y'all are already grounded.
bryce: i say you could just let us off with a warning
jess: yeah that's not happening and bryce you're in more trouble bc you literally shattered the tv.
josh: mom
jess: what
josh: nvm
jess: um okay. i mean what do you think should happen? wait nvm don't answer that.
tb: okay
jess: josh go upstairs and get x-box's from all of the rooms. if the boys say something tell them to talk to me okay?
josh: okay (he walks upstairs)
jess: bryce we need to get this anger under control, i mean anger is the exact reason noah is grounded, right?
jess: so here is what i'm gonna do. you are grounded for another week, and i want you doing extra chores to pay for the tv okay?
bryce: okay i think that's fair.
jess: good, now go to your room and finish cleaning the glass bc ik it didn't get done.
bryce: haha okay

meanwhile upstairs;
q: what's do you think you're doing taking my x-box?!
josh: chill out i'm only doing it bc i was told to do so, if you have a problem talk to mom. oh and don't think i didnt hear your conversation with cooper. didn't mom just tell you that you can't go to that party?
q: so? like you haven't snuck out before.
josh: yeah i have and mom always finds out.
q: she won't find out this time
josh: whatever don't say i didn't warn you!
josh's pov
the rest of the boys had no problem handing over their x-boxes bc they aren't completely addicted like q. speaking of him i'm definitely telling mom.
jess's pov
i was sitting at the counter looking at pinterest when josh came downstairs
josh: where do you want me to put these?
jess: on my bed is fine i'll deal with them
josh: okay
(josh put them on my bed and came back)
josh: mom i need to talk to you, it's about q.
jess: what did he do now?
josh: nothing yet
jess: what do you meant yet?
josh: he's gonna sneak out to that party you told him he can't go to.
jess: how do you know?
josh: i heard him on the phone with cooper
jess: okay thx for letting me know i'll deal with it. but we got to go over your punishment.
josh: ugh
jess: don't be like that you did this to yourself.
josh: ik
jess: mk, well your grounded for another week.
josh: that's it?
jess: i can add two weeks instead
josh: no no one week is fine.
jess: mhm that's what i thought.
josh: yeah..anyway i'm going to go upstairs
jess: okay can you tell q to come here pls
josh: yeah (he walks upstairs)
q's pov
i was in my room scrolling on my phone when josh came in
josh: mom wants you
i immediately knew what she wanted bc i could tell that he looked kinda guilty, but if i get in trouble for something i haven't done yet i'm gonna kill him
q: okay i'll be down in a sec
i put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs
jess: come sit i want to talk to you
q: am i in trouble
jess: no just come here pls
q: okay
jess: i want to talk to you about why i said no to you going to that party because there is an actual reason.
q: there is?
jess: yes, now sit please ( i say pointing to the couch)
jess: okay so let me start off by saying that you're not int trouble at all. i just know that you're frustrated about the whole party thing and i want to tell you why i said no okay?
q: okay
jess: so as you know your lovely brothers started this party when they were in freshman year. so obviously i let them go and i let jaden go. however i did not let noah go bc jaden's party became an issue. it had illegal drugs and the police were called. boy let me tell you jaden was grounded for 3 months.
q: 3 months ?!!
jess: yep. so i'm not saying you can't go just bc okay? i'm saying no for your safety. does that make sense?
q: yes ma'am and i'm sorry about earlier.
jess: it's okay you were frustrated and now we talked things out okay.
jess: okay i'm going to start making dinner
q: okay
i walked upstairs to my room to think. i still really want to go to that party but mom said that. idk what to do! ugh what does she have to be so logical. i just..idk! wait do i hear crying?
i walked out of my room and followed the crying to noah's room.

hey guys first chapter, what do we think? word: 1710

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