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the next morning...

i woke up. i opened my eyes to noah sleeping right next to me. he looked innocent when he was asleep.

i quirky slipped out of his bed. i picked up my dress off of floor and picked up my shoes. i
grabbed my keys off his nightstand and went over to his door. as soon as i turned the doorknob to leave,i hear "where you running off to?"

i turned around and looked at him. "sorry didn't mean to wake you" i said. "it's all good" he said. i nodded. "um well i gotta get going,thanks for last night" i said. "nooo stay" he whined. "i don't think that's a good idea" i said. "why not" he said with a flirtatious smirk. "you know why" i said. he rolled his eyes. "promise me,we'll hang out again soon" he said. "i promise" i said. he smiled.

i walked out of his room and down the stairs. i bumped into two other teenagers down stairs. i think their names are elle and lee? his brother i think? i don't know their relatation to the girl.

"oh um sorry,im just going" i said. "another one of noah's hookups" i heard lee whisper to the girl. "what did you say" i said as i turned around. "nothing." lee said. "no please tell me" i said. "look,you know noah is playing you right" lee said. i looked at him. "look,he was just a stupid hookup to me but he made me stay the night." i said and walked out of the house. 

when i got home my mom was in the kitchen. i put my keys down on the table and looked at her. then looked away. i wasn't in the mood to deal with her right now. plus i want to shower and lay in my bed and watch american horror story.

so that's what i did.

when i got in the shower,i brought my phone in with me so i could connect it to my waterproof speaker in my shower. after i did that i opened snapchat to answer everyone. and there it was.

my most recent snap was from noah. i opened it. it was just a plain snap. he was in his bed. he looked hot. i sent him back a snap of me with a scrunched face. he immediately opened it. he sent a snap back. this time with words. "next time we have sex,it has to be in the shower" he said. i sent him a snap back with raised eyebrows and i said "ur weird"

then i put my phone down and continued with my shower. when i was done my shower,i got in comfy clothes. but before i started watching my tv,i facetimed valerie to make sure she was okay and got home safely. but i already know she's for sure dealing with a nasty hangover right now.

she answered on the second ring. "hey girl" she said. "hey" i said with a laugh. "get home safe last night?" i asked. she nodded. "did you?" she asked me. i looked at her. then looked away. "bitch what are you hiding from me" she asked. "nothing" i said and laughed. "but just text me if you're gonna come sleepover tonight" i said. she nodded her head. we said bye and i started watching my show.

i wanted to tell her about noah. i mean she already knows we hooked up but she doesn't know that i slept over or that we had sex twice. she's my best friend and i know i should tell her. but like i just don't want to right now. plus i really don't want to jinx it for myself.

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