Chapter 2: The Moon Market

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The sun rose over the horizon, and a new day was starting.
Back in Club Centuria.
Maxwell was still asleep, and Azar fell asleep at some point during the night. She was asleep in the same pillow tent with Maxwell, and one of her books was on her head while she slept.
The orange light of the sunrise shone through the windows, some of it going into the tent. Maxwell rustled in his sleep, and drowsily woke up. He looked around, and saw himself in the tent. He also saw Azar, sleeping on a pillow on the other side of the tent.
He moved the blanket aside, got up, and stretched. He walked over to the sleeping Phoenix and tapped her wing. She mumbled and rustled.
"No rush. I can wait." Max said, sitting down.
She snapped awake, and looked around, slightly embarrassed at that. "Oh dear, dozed off." She chuckled.
"Well, good morning, Azar."
"Good morning to you too, Maxwell. Actually, mind if I call you Max?" She asked, stretching her wings.
"Well, only my friends can really can me Max, so... yes." He answered.
She let out a small giggle. "So, I found some interesting findings about attempting to fix a spark."
"Oh, and what's that?" Max asked.
Azar opened a certain book. "So, Get this. In the ancient ages of Feral, there was this ritual that the sparks of old did. Legends say that it could lift any curse, cure any disease, and best of all, fix a broken spark."
Max's spirits were raised. "Really?"
"That's what it says here. Unfortunately, it also says that any record of how to execute the ritual were burned. Furthermore, the sparks who knew of its existence back in the ancient ages were... slaughtered. So they couldn't pass down its secrets. But it says here that there might be some sparks in Feral who still know how to work it."
Max winced in pain as his Spark surged with energy. "Yes, good morning to you too, migraine."
Azar frowned seeing him in pain, and used her magic to soothe and pain and lessen its effects.
"Thanks." Max smiled. "So, what do you think we should do?"
Azar paused. "Call me crazy, but I think that we should try to find the witch that did this to you."
"Oh, stars. The witch." Max puts his paws to his head. "I don't remember much but... I think she was a shinigami. Pur...purple fur, Yeah. And red horns. That's what I can remember." Max rubbed his eyes. He tried to remember, but his brain was still half asleep.
Azar handed him a cup of tea. "Here's a little pick-me-up. You might need it."
Maxwell took a sip of it, and felt his body exit sleep mode. "Thank you." He smiled. "Ooh! I remember now! Where I found her."
"Where?" Azar Asked.
Then, people began walking into the club. The 8 o'clock wave of sparks came its way.
Max tensed up. "Oh dear. There's too many people here. I-I don't want to hurt them with this. Let's get out of here."
Azar nodded, and stowed her books away. She led Max out the front doors of the club, and into the city, where the sun shined down, making them squint.

"Phew. Disaster avoided." Max sighed.
Azar wondered why he was so concerned about being near so many sparks. And what what that about 'hurting them'? Questions for later, she thought. "So, where did you say that witch was?"
"Ah, right, before I forget." He looked around to make sure no one was listening in, and leaned closer to her. "Ever heard of the Blood Tundra Moon Market?"
"Yeah, been there a few times, but not in a while. Exotic and foreign materials, foods, magic."
"That's where I found her. At least that's what I remember. That should be a good starting point, right?"
"Sounds like a good one to me." Azar nodded. "If we're going to Blood Tundra While at nightfall, then we should probably prepare." She suggested.
"Sounds like a plan." Max smiled. "I'll go back home to prepare. See you later, Azar."
"See ya." She smiled, as she flew off.
As he began his walk back to his sanctuary. His mind was abuzz at the thought of someone kind enough to help him bring him back to his old life. Not only that, Azar didn't shun him away like all his friends did, nor did he shun himself away. He was grateful than a friend he just met would help him.
'I just hope that you can help me fix my mistake, Azar. Before it is too late...'

A few hours later, the kitsune and the phoenix, all prepped up, were journeying through the Blood Tundra, While snow gently fell from above.
"Do you remember where it is?" Azar asked.
Max pointed a paw out, in the direction of a small valley. "The entrance is in there." Max led the way into the small valley, meeting a dead end.
He walked up to pointy rock, and pulled it like a lever.
"What's the password?" A voice asked.
"2-8-0-1-4." Max said.
A rock moved out of the way, revealing a glowing doorway, with a guard. He looked at Maxwell.
"Sorry, after the... incident, kitsunes are not permitted here for the rest of the month." The guard closed the door on him.
"Damn." Max said dejectedly.
"Hmm." 'Now what kind of incident would force them to ban kitsunes entirely?' Azar thought. "Wait, got an idea."
"What is it?" Max masked.
Azar quickly summoned a spellbook and flipped through it quickly. "Ah, here we go." She held her wing high, which began glowing. Her plumes of smoke on her tail feathers began glowing as well. "Stay still..."
She put her wing on Max, which caused a massive light to shine. After it receded, Max looked at his reflection in the ice.
He was now a senri, which had the same shade of green as him. He also had the cracked spark. "Whoa."
"Masking spell. One of my favorite spells." Azar giggled. "Now, let's try this again."
Azar tried the password again, causing the door to open. The guard looked at both, and nodded. "Alrighty then. Welcome to the Blood Tundra Moon Market." He pointed his spear forward.
"Thank you, sir." Azar nodded as she walked in, with the 'senri' Max following.

The Moon Market. A secret bazaar filled with mysterious services and vendors. Exotic plants, delicacies, spells... enough things to supply a lifetime. Many merchants had their booths up, ready to sell.
"Wow, I haven't been here in a while. It's just as wonderful as I remember." Azar smiled.
Max looked around. "I think I remember where that witch's booth was. Follow me." Max led the way.
The two spent minutes exploring the bazaar, trying to find where the witch's stand was. After a bit, they were staring blankly at a booth that read 'Exotic sandwiches'.
"...I swear this is where she was." Max said.
"Maybe she... moved it?"
"Or she's not here. Either one of the two." 'Hopefully the first.'
The two then surveyed the area, looking for her. Maxwell's rage was building up.
"Where is that wench? When I find her I am going to-"
Azar gently put on wing on him. "Hey, it's alright. Clam down. We'll find her. I know it!" She tried calming him down.
After some more searching, the two went down what was basically an alley of booths.
As he looked around, Max stopped and saw something. Someone. Someone familiar.
A shinigami with violet fur and crimson red horns, wearing a crimson mask, conversing with a merchant, and grabbing materials.

The witch.

"It's her! It's the witch!" He yelled.
"Shh!" Azar tried pulling him to the side. "Don't just yell that, you might scare her off. We gotta figure how to-"
Her words didn't reach his ears. He wasn't just blinded by rage, he was deafened by rage. "You, witch! You're going to regret this!" His Spark then began crackling with energy, and glowing brightly. He looked like he was going to charge at her.
"Maxwell! Calm yourself! You might hurt everyone if you rile yourself up!" She stood in front of him, her wings on his shoulders.
"Don't..." his Spark crackled further, causing his masking spell to wear off.
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He shoved her to the side, and charged at the shinigami.
"Maxwell!!" She quickly followed after him.
The guards could see a kitsune in the market, and quickly tried to apprehend him. But he used his magic to block them, or throw them to the side like nothing. He stomped up to a close proximity to the witch.
The shinigami turned around, looking at him. "Hmm. And what are you doing here? You know kitsunes aren't allowed here at this moment." She chuckled beneath her mask.
"You. You did this to me! You made my life a living hell!" He screamed with anger.
"I'm sorry, but have we met before? You seem very... volatile, my dear." She taunted, which angered Maxwell even more.
Azar ran over to his side. "Leave him alone! I know that you know how to fix his condition, so why don't you tell how to do so right now?"
The witch looked at the Phoenix. "And who are you? A therapy bird?"
Azar growled at her.
"Let me ask you something, Phoenix. Why would you risk your life for such an insignificant kitsune? One who made a fair deal with me?" She laughed.
"All he asked you was to heal some of his family! And you broke his Spark. What do you have to benefit from that?"
"Like I said, it was a fair trade. And there is... a very good reason, I assure you. Hahahaha... but that is a secret the world does not need to know."
Maxwell snapped and stomped his foot. "That's it, witch! YOU'RE DEAD!!"
His Spark then began reaching peak brightness, and surged green energy. As it was happening, he was screaming in pain, and then... the thing he feared most about his Spark happened.
It generated an explosion of energy, sending everyone flying in several directions.
Even Azar.
"Maxwell! Nononono-" Azar then impacted against the wall, getting knocked out.
As Max calmed down, he opened his eyes and looked around, seeing the destruction he caused.
The got up and adjusted her mask, laughing. "Still have any friends, kitsune?" She then teleported away, laughing.
Maxwell saw all the sparks he injured. And then Azar. She was out cold, and one of her wings looked broken. He remembered what a threat he was to the world, seeing what he did to his new friend. No longer a friend, he bet.
He ran over to her seemingly lifeless body and shook her. "Azar! Azar! W-wake up!"
Azar groaned in pain as she came to. She could see Max with a concerned look in his face. "Agh... Max?"
"Azar..." He stepped back, tears falling out. He quickly turned around and off, away from her as far as possible.
Azar tried getting up, but it was hard only one wing. She used her good one to reach out for him as he ran off. "Maxwell! Wait!"

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