Male Reader X Lady Dimitrescu

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I stand at the grand doors to the castle, staring at each golden vine and flower carefully carved into them.

I can't help but feel anxious about what lays beyond, I've heard many things about the maids before me, some I knew of but never heard from again, not once they stepped foot in the castle.

And now I'm in the exact same place that they once were...

'A stupid decision, really.' I mumble to myself, heaving the heavy doors open to reveal a surprisingly warm and welcoming entrance hall.

As soon as I reach the main hall I'm bombarded by maids rushing about, scrubbing almost every single surface until everything was absolutely spotless and reflected the golden glow of the chandelier above.

I head straight past, through the hall to my designated areas, starting first in the bedchamber.

While I clean, A soft whisper meets my ear, like a cold breeze.

At first, I ignore it, continuing on into the sitting room until everything in the room has been wiped clean, floors swept and cobwebs cleared.

It's only when I start moving back toward the hall that I hear it again, but this time it's louder and sounds almost like a ghostly wail.

I take a peek out into the hall and spot a maid on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, sitting in a small pool of thick red liquid... blood.

I move to go help her but my body suddenly freezes up when I see the giant shadow looming over her shoulder.

"I'm s-s-o sor-sorry my lady, y-you see I tripped-" The maid says, visibly shaking as she attempts to stand on her twisted and bleeding leg, only to fall to the floor again.

My eyes shift from the maid to the gigantic woman again, who stood three times taller than the maid.

Once she finally steps into the light, everything else seems distant, the only thing I care about is her and her alone.

I can see her lush red lips moving, she's likely yelling at the maid, but I hear nothing, only the sound of my own heart beating rapidly inside my chest.

Her eyes, bright gold and gleaming. Her glossy black hair neatly tucked behind her ears. And her giant curves... I can only think of one word to describe her.


Suddenly I realise just how long I was staring at her and slowly come back to reality.

Several minutes have passed, the maid is screaming while being dragged away by three dark figures and now the Lady's eyes are on me.

"Well, Well, Well, what have we here." She says softly as she moves gracefully towards me, studying every inch of me, breathing in deeply.

"Mmmm, Fresh Meat."

I stay completely still until she turns on her heel, heading back towards the main hall.

"Fetch me my Sângele Omului from the wine room and bring it directly to my chambers." She ordered without turning her head as she walked away.

Of course I watch her as she fades into the distance, the way her ginormous hips sway as she walks and then she's gone.

I'm still half in a daze by her presence, almost stumbling as I make my way up the staircase to the wine room.

I grab the bottle and rush straight to her chambers, not wanting to keep her waiting too long, especially on my first day.

I finally reach her chambers and knock on the door.

No answer, so I knock once more.

"I must be early." I whisper to myself, gently pushing the door open anyway.

I take a quick peek inside, the room seems to be empty so I step inside and place the bottle on the table.

As I turn to leave, I notice movement in the corner of my eye.

To my right is two large gold doors, left slightly ajar, I move closer to peek through the gap.

I see a giant Bath tub, Bubbles overflowing and.. skin, lots and lots of bare skin.

I watch as her hands glide gently across her skin, going all the way up to her neck and back.

The light above seemed to make her glow like a Goddess, illuminating each gentle curve.

Only, that glow would vanish as soon as I took one wrong step on an old creaky floorboard.

In a split second, her striking golden eyes meet mine.

Never have I ever been this fearful for my life than right now in this very moment.

Her eyes are alight with fury and rage, narrowing into thin slits.

"You! You disgusting little rat!" She screams as she leaps out of the bath tub, swiftly throwing on her robe.

And then she's charging right towards me.

So I run...

"You would dare run from me!?" The Lady's voice echoed throughout the halls.

I trip and stumble at the stairs, tumbling all the way down to the floor below.

A sudden burst of pain strikes in my chest before I can comprehend where I am.

The Lady towered over me, her heel piercing the spot just below my heart.

She leans all the way down and grabs me by the neck and slams me hard into the nearest wall.

I'm trapped and struggling to breathe and yet my mind still wanders back to her.

Her thin robe didn't hide much, I could still see every single curve of her heavenly body.

She's still wet and steaming from the bath and now her huge breasts are in full view...

"Oh my... It seems someone's gotten a little over excited." She snickered, eyeing up the bulge protruding from down below.

My breathing becomes harsh and rapid - quite like the constant beating in my chest - as she moves even closer, closing the gap between us.

Her face is so close that I can feel her long black lashes tickling my cheeks.

I could smell the sickly sweet fragrance of her perfume, floral with a hint of citrus and berries.

Then she whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Such a naughty little man-thing."

Before I even have the chance to prepare myself, her lips slam into mine like a force so strong I almost pass out.

Her kiss is all I'd hoped for and more.

I wince as her teeth sink into my lower lip, so hard and deep it bled.

"Mmmm, you taste absolutely divine." She moans, whilst sucking at my lower lip.

"Eugh! Really, Mother?!" A young dark-haired woman grumbles from behind her.

The Lady releases me with one last flick of her tongue over my bottom lip before turning to the young woman.

"What is it now, Cassandra?" The Lady groans, clearly just as frustrated as me by the grumpy look on her face.

The young woman, One of the three that I saw before in the main hall, stepped closer to us, glaring at me for just a second.

An abnormally large swarm of flies seem to follow her like a bad smell, or a shadow.

"One of the prisoners escaped, They've fled towards the Village."

The Lady's anger erupts once more, growling lowly before turning back to me briefly.

She leans down, staring so deeply into my eyes.

"Don't even think about escaping, pet." She whispers, lightly caressing my cheek.

Her expression softens just the slightest bit, even a tiny smirk appears at the corner of her lip.

"I'll finish you later."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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