57 - Fear

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Chapter 4 & 5 uploaded for The Liar's Song! Go check it out!


Ally's P.O.V.

Slowly, while holding onto the wall for support, I head to the lounge to get some water and rest for a bit since I was on break. Truthfully, I wasn't feeling too good.

During practice today, I felt that my legs were going to give up on me and my head hurt so much.

As I walk into the lounge, I come to find Jimin and Yoongi sitting down drinking coffee.

"Ally! Hey!" Jimin was the first to see me, so he stood up and waved at me with that bright smile of his.

Yoongi just gave me a small smile and waved at me.

"Hey..." Despite not feeling good, I managed to give them a smile so I don't worry them in any way, especially Jimin.

I haven't had enough time to hang out with Jimin this past month since he's been busy promoting Butter and getting ready for comeback. As for me, I was training.

Jimin's P.O.V.

After saying hello to Ally, I had a good look at her.

She seemed dead.

You could obviously tell that she doesn't look good. I watch as she walks to the fridge and see how she walks slowly while supporting herself on the chairs.

I decided to get up and fetch whatever she needed from the fridge, stopping her halfway.

"I'll get it for you." I quickly gave her a smile.

"Just water, please."

I grab the water and hand it to her as she makes her way to sit next to Yoongi.

"Ally, are  you okay?" I head back to my seat.

Ally's P.O.V.

"I'm fine. I just haven't been able to get good sleep lately, so I'm tired."

What I was saying was a white lie. I actually haven't been sleeping well lately, so instead of laying in bed and struggling to sleep, I go and practice until I'm tired.

"You need to make sure that you're getting enough rest and taking care of yourself."

Jimin's face was filled with worry, something that I've always hated seeing on people because it made me feel like crap.

I knew better than anyone that I wasn't taking care of myself. I feel everyone's stares when they look at me and see how much I have changed. I also notice the concerned and shocked faces.

"I know." I give Jimin a smile of reassurance.

"You need food. How about we go get some food right now?"

"That's okay! I already ate!"

Panic raced through me when I heard the word "food." I needed an excuse to tell him "no."

I've never been so panicked in my life about food until recently. I was still traumatized from last week when I had my weekly weigh in.

I was scolded for not losing any weight and taking "forever" to get to their ideal weight of 105 lbs. Since then, I've only stuck to drinking liquids.

Just in these past 3 months, I've managed to lose more than 20 lbs since according to my trainer I was "too fat." But in reality it was just my natural curves, but even that was something that they wanted gone as well.

Jimin's P.O.V.

Her sudden reaction was enough for me to tell me that she was lying to me. I didn't want to push it any further, so I gave up and changed the subject.

"Just promise me that you won't overwork yourself, okay?"

I knew that what I was asking from her was a little too much since I know it's hard not to when you're a trainee, but I wanted to hear her say it to give some sense of calmness.

"I promise I won't. Anyways I need to get back to practice."

As Ally slowly stands up from her chair, she supports herself on the table. Just as she was about to fully get up, I saw her falling back down.

Luckily, Yoongi grabs her by her arm and holds her up as I run over to her to help her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea..." After seeing that she's able to stand on her own, we let go, but I stood near her just in case.

Ally looks up at me with a small smile, but my eyes widen in shock as I look at her and see how she's bleeding from her nose.

"Blood... You're bleeding..."

She quickly touches her nose and looks at how her fingers were filled with blood.

"Oh... it's nothing." She uses the sleeve of her hoodie to wipe away the blood, but it still keeps coming.

"You're not okay. We need to take you to the doctor." I grab onto her arm, but she yanks her arm out of my grip.

"No! I promise I'm fine... Plus I have to get back to practice. I'll see you guys around."

As she walks away, I try to stop her. Grabbing her wrist firmly this time, she turns around with an expression on her face I've never seen before.


"I said I'm fine!" Yanking her wrist away from me, she raises her voice at me. Without another second passing by, she leaves.

It was this action and sudden behavior that made me realize that she's no longer the person who I used to love and know.

She's changed.

And that scared me more than anything.


A little on the shorter side today, but Ally is reaching her breaking point!

Also we only got a few chapters left until the books ends! 😭🤩

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