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Dream sat curled in the armchair in the corner of the room, his eyes focusing on the clock in the corner as it ticked almost taunting him.

He felt so sad, so- so angry. Not at anyone but himself.

He closed his eyes, reliving the moment.


Dream hovered above looking down at himself.

"fuck..." He grunted looking over at his hands and patting his body over, glancing once again at his own body beneath him, it wasn't a pretty sight at all, blood soaked towels and an even bloodier white tank top. Deep bags beneath his eyes which still had a dampness due to tears.

"Dream? You home yet?" He heard keys clatter onto a counter too and heavy footsteps walk around the house.

"Fuck- Sap- no." He'd forgotten about Sapnap, in the daze he was in- the pain he was feeling he just wanted out in that moment, he didn't even stop to consider his best friend, how inconsiderate and ungrateful could he be?

"Dream?" knocking sounded on the bathroom door. "You okay in there bud."

"No." Dream choked out.

"Dream you've gotta answer me, open the door."

"I'm right here sap." His voice broke.

"Dream?" his voice more urgent as he began to shake at the door handle.

"Please don't come in." Dream muttered repeatedly. He didn't want Sapnap to see that.

The door burst open and sapnap froze, his best friend pale and limp on the floor, soon he darted to his knees a sob falling from his lips doing so.

"Oh god, Dream, buddy, you there?" He tried lifting Dreams chin to which it fell limp instantly, he gently slapped his cheek repeating pleases and no's and sorrys and just pleas for him to come back.

Dream watching in horror from above, his stomach feeling as if it had fallen a hundred stories and his throat so dry and scratchy. His eyes welling with tears as he watched his best friend clutch at his limp body cradling him and sobbing begging someone- anyone- anything to bring his friend back.

"Sap." He floated down wrapping his transparent arms around his friend watching the younger shiver as he did so, he hushed despite knowing Sapnap couldn't hear or see him. He hushed just wishing it would all go away and be better.


"Dream, you look so grey." George mumbled

Dream was taken out of his trance, glancing up to his new found friend, he gave an acknowledging hum and curled up more on the arm chair.

"you okay?" his friend sat on the edge of the motel bed, bedsheets crinkled and duvet hanging into the floor. Dream nodded.

"i'm sorry." George sighed.

"Don't be, nobody did this to me- well but me"

There was a beat of silence, it was so painful for the both of them.

"if we hit the road now we'll make it to saps within a few hours." it was mumbled, barely a whisper from George. Dream nodded disappearing, George sighed grabbing his keys and everything he brought bro the room with him, handing his room key in and walking to his car, and as expected in the passenger seat already sat dream, head against the window and looking tearful. George took in a deep breath preparing for what could happen next.

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