Just another day...

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Okay class, you may go home! 

Please, don't forget to bring your choices for high school paper's back to school tomorrow!

(Izuku POV)

I started to pack my bag as the teacher leaves the room. I'm not excited for who I know is coming up behind me.

Damn weakling what This!? Is Deku still stalking hero?! kachan always has to be so loud. He takes my analysis book from off my desk.

please... give it back . I ask nicely hoping that he will give it back.

Stop trying to be a hero shitty Deku! I watch as my hard work is burned and thrown out of the window. Its sad that i saw this man as my friend years ago. If you want a quirk so bad. why don't you jump of the roof, and and hope for one in you next life! kachan yells and it just make me more upset.

What gives you the right to throw my stuff  out the window! I yell back without thinking. 

Only to regret it immediately, by kachan grabbing my hair and throwing me at the wall. You want to stand up and fight me!  Not so brave now tch! He punches me hard while using his quirk in my gut. His so called friends joined in on the abuses. Of course he didn't hold back using  me as a punching bag. His quirk it burns my skin  and everything  just hurt. When they were done I get up off the floor and wipe the blood on my mouth packing the rest of my stuff. I look at myself in the reflection of the window an there's not scratch visible on me. I'v notice that what i feel there is never proof that i was hurt it's almost like I healed, but I don't have quirk at least that what i was diagnosed as years ago.

I walk out of the school door's to go find my book.  My luck it landed in a pond. I grab it and shake it as  dry as i can.

Ugh! why can't i get a brake? It's not my fault i'm like this! i'm just so tired of it all.  Kachan and All Might have told me I can't be a hero. i look down at my book... i'll prove them wrong one day!

I head home taking a slightly different way home than usual. With a few tears in my eyes just cause there no sign i got hurt. I still feel the pain physically and mentally.

 I open the door to my house.

I-I'm home!!!

Oh honey your late! What took you so long?  Mom looked around the corner, and of course no mater how much I tried to hide it. She new i was crying.

Izuku dear what's wrong baby!

 I-I just fell and lost book 13 to the fish. I sniff in return. I know I lie but I don't want to worry her.

Sweety come here! she give's me hug. 

How about we go for ice-cream tomorrow! After school since it to late tonight.

That sound's nice! After all the last time we went was when I broke my arm at age 10.

Ok then! i'll make sure it on the list. Oh and here she hand's me my school paper's, I signed but are you sure you want to try to go to UA?

Yes mom, it my last idea and chance to be your hero!

Ooooh IZU!!!! she started to cry. You will always be my hero!

I know mom!

Well lets not let the food get cold! I motioned for Mom to sit she smiled and wiped away a tear.

Okay honey then you need to head to bed. You have a big day tomorrow! it your last day of school after all.

I guess your right though I still have to do my home work. I shove the food in my mouth.

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