New Information

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Abby's POV

I walk up to school the next day stressed out of my mind. I couldn't believe what we had done last night. There were about twenty news vans in front of the school, including one from Top Story.

Seeing my two best friends, Sidney and Tatum, I ran up to them to ask what was going on.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked.

"Hey Abby, apparently Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night." Tatum said. Sidney did not seem phased by this information so I assume Tatum had already told her the basics.

"What?! No way!" I tried my best to act surprised.

"Yeah.. And we're not just talking killed, we're talking splatter movie killed. Ripped open, from end to end." Tatum explained.

"Doesn't Casey sit next to you in English Sid?" I questioned Sidney.

"Not anymore." Tatum jokingly replied before Sidney had a chance to answer me.

I gave Sidney a sad glance hoping that she was okay. I didn't even think about the impact that this could have on her. Her mom died almost a year ago.

"It's so sad," Tatum continued, "her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree. Her insides on the outside."

"Damn. So do they know who did it?" I asked Tatum.

"They're fucking clueless. They're interrogating the entire school, teachers, students, janitors.."

"They think it's school-related?" Sidney asked, now tuning into our conversation.

"They don't know. Dewey said that this is the worst crime they've seen in years. Even worse than.... well it's bad." Tatum replied. She looked at Sidney and I before walking off to her first class.

I looked at Sidney, seeing that she was staring off into space probably thinking about something.

"Hey Sid, you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just that these murders are reminding me of when my mom died." Sidney sounded so depressed, and it felt weird seeing her in this state.

"How about I walk you to English? I'll make sure you get there safely and no evil monster comes and gobbles you up." I joke.

This causes Sidney to chuckle, "Sure."

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