On the Kitchen Floor

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                                      Abby's POV

I took Stu's hand as he led me around to the side of his house. We ducked behind some greenery as Stu quickly removed the ghost face costume.

We were only crouched there for about five seconds before he took my hand in his and dragged me out of the bushes. We ran up to the front of Stu's house to see Sidney running towards the front door.

"Sidney!!" I heard Randy's familiar voice yell. He was running towards Sidney with a limp. Stu was still pulling me towards the front door, we were trailing right behind Randy.

"Sidney, Jesus we gotta get the fuck outta here!" Randy yelled.

We were all culminating at the front of Stu's house. Lying right by the front door was Dewey's body. Sidney quickly took the gun out of Dewey's holster, pointing it at the three of us. Her face and hands were covered in blood.

"Stop right there." Sidney said.

"Don't shoot it's me! I found Tatum, she's dead. I think Stu did it." Randy continued, trying to gain the trust of Sidney.

Still holding my hand, Stu tried to reason with Sidney, "Don't listen to him Sidney!"

"Stay back!" Sidney warned. She was standing on the front porch, switching the gun's aim between the three of us.

"He killed Billy, he killed Tatum," Stu was accusing Randy of the killings, pointing his finger at him.

Randy, Stu, and I were going up the stairs, backing Sidney up into the house. Suddenly, Stu let go of my hand and pushed Randy off of the steps.

Putting both of his hands in front of him, Stu said, "Sidney, please give me that gun. Give me the gun."

Randy came running back up the stairs, "He did it Sidney, I didn't do it. Please."

The two boys kept pointing at each other, accusing the other of the awful crimes committed.

"Fuck you both." Sidney said, suddenly closing the wooden door on the three of us.

I stood back by Stu and he grabbed my hand again, taking off. Randy still stood by the front door, banging on it repeatedly, desperately hoping to get inside.

Stu rushed me to the back of his house. We quickly entered through the back door. As soon as we reached the kitchen I heard a gunshot.

Stu turned the corner looking into the front hallway, when Sidney bumped into him. "Stu, Abby, help me please." Sidney gasped in relief when she saw the two of us.

I was standing right behind Stu and I glanced over his shoulder to see Randy on the ground, the table smashed, and Billy drenched in blood.

Stu pulled something out of his pocket. The voice changer.

"Surprise, Sidney." He said through the voice changer. Sidney's face instantly changed from one of hope to one of fear.

Sidney quickly ran into the kitchen, hoping to find a way out. But she was cornered by Stu and Billy.

Stu tossed the voice changer to Billy, who held the gun at Sidney. "What's the matter Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost." Billy said through the voice changer.

"Why are you doing this?" Sidney asked as she backed herself into a corner. Stu and Billy quickly closing in on her, like predators about to devour their prey.

"It's all part of the game Sidney." Stu said.

"It's called Guess How I'm Gonna Die!" Billy said through the voice changer.

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