Chapter two: Bed-side Drama

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     Heat. Was what I had felt when I slowly began to open up my eyes. 'What happened to me?'. My head hurt like hell. I slowly try to sit up on the bed I was in. 'Wait, bed? I don't remember going home. What happened?! Where am I?'. I looked around the room, it looked like a normal guest room. Not many items were in it, besides a decent sized T.V., a cute table stand, with a little frog lamp on it, a single chair near the table, and of course the bed I was on.

     I reached for my phone that was in my back pocket, but it wasn't there. I patted where my phone should have been then noticed that my clothes were changed from what I have been wearing. I was in much warmer clothes. I was in very cute slippers as well, I liked them. 'Wait if I'm not in my clothes, where are my clothes and who changed me?!'. I got out of the bed, my legs instantly fell asleep on me. I almost fell, but caught myself on the table next to me.

     I waited a little while till I tried to walk again. I went to the door and began to hear some voices. The voices sound familiar to me. I opened the door a bit, the people I saw out of it were Ms. Autumn and Summer. 'Thank goodness Ms. Autumn is here, I can ask here what happened and how I got here. This is probably her house now that I think about it,'.

     I opened the door. They stopped their conversation and looked at me. Ms. Autumn went towards me and felt my forehead, "Looks like you warmed up. How do you feel?" Ms. Autumn asked me, concerned. "I feel fine Ms. Autumn." I said, trying not to cause her any more trouble than I have already. Ms. Autumn sighed and looked at Summer, "Thank you again for helping, Summer." Summer looked at me quickly, then looked back at Ms. Autumn, "It was no problem. Just keep Winter under control more." Ms. Autumn nodded in agreement.

     They continue to talk for a bit, on how Ms. Autumn would repay Summer for helping. I wasn't really paying attention. My neck was becoming a bit itchy, I placed my hand on it. Then my head began to heat up, my vision began to blur a bit. The next thing I knew was that I was in Summer's arms, my head in her chest. Summer whispered in my ear something I couldn't really understand, like it was in a different language. My body felt like it was a bit on fire. Summer looked at Ms. Autumn, and said, "I'm sorry it was the only way."

     I didn't understand what was going on, Ms. Autumn looked shocked at me and Summer had a very apologizing look on her face. They began to talk again, but my head was becoming very fuzzy so I toned them out. During this entire time Summer had kept me in her arms. She felt really cold, it calmed me down when I began to hear them shout.

     After a while, the shouting, the talking, and even some of the noises in the room stopped. I turned to look at Ms. Autumn, her amber eyes had bags under them. They had a red tint to them. She sighed and looked at me, "I'm sorry you had to hear all of this. You must be very confused on how you got here. Let me go get some drinks. You can sit in the living room while you wait." Ms. Autumn gave one last look at Summer and me and went to the kitchen to go get the drinks.

     Summer walked me to the living room, never letting me go. Summer and I take a seat on the couch. Summer had placed her arm around me. 'What was happening? I should say something and try to go home as fast as possible.' I winced, placing a hand on my head. 'Great , now I have a headache. Could this day turn any more for the worst.' Summer grabbed my hand, her eyes were looking over the area where I had placed my hand. I swallowed a bit, "I'm o-o-ok, i-it was just a small headache." I said failing to not stutter, feeling anxious just being near her. Summer had said nothing in return, letting go of my hand. The air around us grows stale and a bit thin. The silence that filled the room was nerve wracking. 'I have to say something, or else the anxiety and the silence of the room will definitely kill me.'

     I looked at Summer, she was eyeing the cigarette pack she had in her hand. Her knee was slightly moving up and down. 'She must be just as a bit as anxious as I am.' Placing that theory in my head I decided to break the silence, "I said hi to Ms. Autumn for you, b-but I couldn't say hi to the other p-person. I-i'm sorry." Summer looked at me, her eyes looked a bit anxious at first but in an instant they were calm again, like the sun's rays shining off of the ocean on a sunset beach. "Thank you." Was all Summer said before Ms. Autumn walked in holding a tray of drinks for us. 'I really hope I'm not in trouble.'

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