Chapter 2- Well Behaved

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        After I dropped Paisley off at her house, I drove home. The bags from our shopping trip sat in the back of my car. I turned on the radio and a song by Taylor Swift came on. I tried to sing along, but my voice soon reminded me that I couldn't carry a tune.

        When I pulled up to my house, my mom came out of the front door to greet me.

"Tiffany darling, how was your last day of school?" She asked me.

"FIne mom, thanks," I said while kissing her on the cheek. I walked inside and noticed that dinner was already cooking. Hmm. Must have been out shopping later than I thought. Oh well. I took my shopping bags up to my room and turned on my stereo dock. It was synced to my phone via Bluetooth. Riptide by Vance Joy was playing. I tool my makeup off, and stuffed my stuff from the shopping trip into my huge walk-in closet.  I walked downstairs to eat dinner and my mom said, "Honey, your father and I have a surprise for you," they smiled. We all sat down at the dining room table. I looked at them in anticipation. 

"Your mother and I have rented out a hotel for you in Florida for the entire summer. It's right on the beach. We think that you have shown more than enough responsibility for us to trust you, and we think that you deserve it." When they finished, they grinned at me. 

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?!"

"As a heart attack," my father smiled. "But that's not the best part," he finished.

"How can it get any better than this?" I squealed.

"You get to bring Paisley!"


        After I told the news to Paisley, we decided that it would be a good idea to go shopping for our summer in Florida. Even though we just went shopping, we didnt really know that we would be going to Florida. 

We leave the next monday, and it was currently Friday. So that means we have approximately 2 days to pack and prepare. We agreed that I would drive my car down there and Paisley said that she would pay half of the gas cost. We also agreed that she would stay at my house the night before we left.

As we were shoppin, I decided to get a few more new bathing suits. There's one from Victoria's Secret Pink that I bought and one from American Eagle Outfitters. After purchasing those, I bought a pair of sunglasses and left the mall. I had to hurry up and finish packing.

That night, when I got home, I ate dinner and started packing. Tomorrow, I had a lot of stuff to do, so so I decided to crash early.

        The next morning, I called Paisley.


"Hey girl!" 

"I'm thinking that you should come over around six? That way I can finish packing, and also get in the shower and stuff," I said.

"Alright, sounds good. I'm halfway through with packing. I need a shower also. Okay, well girl. I'll see you at six!" 

"Okay, bye!" I hung up and walked downstairs for breakfast. My mom was cooking pancakes, eggs, and sausage and it smelled amazing!

"Goodmorning darling!" My mom said. 

"Morning mom." I slid onto one of the island chairs and pulled out my phone. 

"You all ready and set for tomorrow?" 

"I've got to finish packing and then I will be," I told her. I've got to get my luggage set out. I've been known to be an excessive overpacker. 

"Well, your father and I have both agreed to give you a credit card. It's not just for emergencies, but also for your own wants and needs. Think of it as and early birthday present," she said.

"Are you guys serious?! Y'all have already done way to much!" I said while hugging her. "

"Well, you deserve it sweetie," she said kissing the top of my head.

        As the day came to an end, I finished packing my bags and I was all ready for the trip tomorrow. I can't believe that I'm going to Florida with my best friend!! All that I could think was that this summer was going to be crazy!

        Hey guys! This chapter was awesome to write! I took most of my school time to write this for you guys! I hope you like it! It is alot longer than the first chapter. I should have the next chapter up by the beginning of next week, maybe a little sooner...who knows? Vote, comment, and all of that lovely stuff! 

~Don't forget to smile!:)

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