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Magic users were believed to be some of the most powerful beings known across Hyrule. With the ability to make lightning struck down from the sky, freeze monsters in a block of ice, and shoot balls of fire all with only a wave of a hand, no monster could stand in their way.

That was until the Calamity took over, taking out most of the people in Hyrule including most if not all of the remaining magic users. Not one was found alive when things settled down, so as time went on they slowly drifted into becoming one of the many myths of Hyrule.

That was until 100 years later...

The sky above was covered in a blanket of darkness, heavy rain falling from the sky onto anyone unfortunate who were to be out this late.

Walking on the now muddy path a boy continued on towards his destination, practically wrapping himself in that dark purple cloak of his as the rain only made the boy shiver. He regretted not renting a horse as it was going to take longer to get to where he needed to go, hell he wasn't sure if he was even going the right way anymore with how bad this storm was.

As he ventured forward his ears picked up a monstrous screech of a bokoblin, followed by the screaming of what assumed to be a man and his horse who neighed loudly in fear. Very clear he was going to help, he rushed over to the commotion and saw that a red bokoblin was indeed trying to attack this merchant and his horse.

"OH GODDESSES, SOMEBODY HELP!" The poor man yelled as he barely dodged a hit from the monster, but was shortly knocked to the ground by the pig like creature. The bokoblin raised it's full club, ready to strike the man's head, until it was shoved to the side from the boy who just came to the rescue.

"Are you alright sir?" The boy asks, not keeping his eyes off the monster who did not realize that would happen. The man sat up slightly, looking up at the hooded figure infront of him.

"I-I'm fine, b-but you don't have a weapon I-... How are you going to fight it?" The man asked with worry laced in his voice, very certain his hero was going to get killed before him. However the boy on the other hand turned to look down at the man, his (E/C) eyes softening as he gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry sir, I don't need a weapon."

"Huh-... But how-" He stopped mid sentence as his attention shot up from the monstrous screech as it was heard getting closer and closer. "K-KID LOOK OUT!"

Snapping his head towards the bokoblin, he swiftly raised his hands in the air before running them down in front of the him and the merchant. A large sheet of ice shielding them from the bokoblin's attack who looked just as confused as the man and his horse.

"What the- how did you-" before the man finishes, the bokoblin swings it's club towards the ice shield and shatters it with one hit, kinda losing it's balance with how much force it had to use which was the perfect time to attack.

The boy distance himself from the merchant and snaps his fingers towards the direction of the bokoblin, from there lightning strikes the monster right in it's head as it's screech is muffled behind the loud thunderous crackle, and before the man knew it the monster was vanquished. The look on his face was hilarious as it was full of shock and amazement.

"Y-...Y-Yooouuu... You did all that with your hands?!" He was dumfounded and very confused, which gave the boy a chuckle as he dropped his hood from over his head to reveal a hylian boy with (H/C) hair and a satisfied smile on his face.

"I sure did sir-"

"Marlo-" the man, Marlo, cut off as he practically got up and took ahold of the others hands thankfully. "Your hands, those magical abilities, it's like they were a gift from the goddesses themselves! Oh thank you so much for saving me and my horse, if there is anything you need I'll give it to you right away!"

This was all starting to get overwhelming as all the boy could do was laugh nervously.

"It's (Y/N) first of all..." He trails off as his eyes move towards the horse who was happily munching on my some grass. "And you know... I do need something actually."


First of many semi-planned chapters, I've had this in my drafts for months and only decided on a late night to post it.

BOTW is a huge comfort game of mine, and I actually got Skyward Sword for Christmas so maybe after this book I can do a fic based off that game! I also don't see many male readers for Link so here I am teehee.

I do wonder if this book will get any attention, but till then here's this in the meantime.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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