C1 - Xiong Ye

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The sun shone down from the sky and dappled across the luxuriantly green woods.

Giant trees spread out their branches and used their broad leaves to take in the sunlight.

The leaves of these trees were so large that only stars and dots of light remained by the time the endless sunshine fell on the vegetation below.

A gust of wind blew through, and the speckled sunlight flickered.

The wind caused the leaves to rustle, and a Lesothosaurus approximately one meter in length with tiny arms and powerful hind legs jumped out of the bushes.

This was a relatively rare, very small, bird-footed dinosaur. It was a hunting target for many carnivorous dinosaurs.

The Lesothosaurus raised its upper body and looked around. After determining that there was no danger, it used the arrow-shaped teeth on both sides of its jaw to bite off the leaves in the shrubbery and began to eat.

It ate very attentively, its mouth moving incessantly. But right at this moment, a huge brown bear sprang out from behind the bushes beside it and rushed over…

It was too late for the Lesothosaurus to escape the brown bear, and in an instant, there was silence.

The brown bear finally stood up.

The brown bear was more than two and a half meters in length, and when it stood up, one could see that the Lesothosaurus on the ground had been crushed – just now, the brown bear had used its own weight and crushed the Lesothosaurus to death… After all, even if he had lost a lot of weight over the winter, he was still 400kg while the poor Lesothosaurus weighed only a little more than 10kg.

The brown bear scented the air, then looked at the Lesothosaurus on the ground again before suddenly transforming into a tall, handsome, but rather slim man that was about 1.8 meters tall.

The man jumped behind the bushes and brought out a leather skirt made of dinosaur skin. He put it on before picking up the Lesothosaurus he had just caught and dashing through the forest, his honey-colored skin and fluttering dark green leather skirt blending in and out of the forest.

He ran very quickly and soon arrived at the valley under a nearby mountain.

The valley was not very big. It covered about eight to nine acres and had no vegetation. The soil on the ground had been trampled flat by people passing through so it was very smooth, forming a large square surrounded by mountains.

The square was surrounded by a number of shacks made of wood and other debris. A steep mountain slope on one side was covered in man-made steps and cave entrances from which people intermittently came and went.

Currently, dozens of men and women dressed in animal skins were busily doing things in one corner of the square. When they saw the man run in from outside, they greeted him one after another, “Xiong Ye!”

“Xiong Ye, you’re back!”

“Xiong Ye, you’re amazing! You just went out for a short while and still managed to catch a Lesothosaurus!”


Everyone’s faces were full of envy. One of the women, who had a beautiful figure, swallowed and said, “This Lesothosaurus is really substantial, it looks delicious!”

“I was lucky.” Xiong Ye, who was carrying his prey over, laughed and passed by the group as he headed towards the eastern part of the valley.

He was in a hurry to find someone—Shi Li will be very happy that he’d managed to catch some prey!

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