C65 - Punishment

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Xiong Ye’s arithmetic wasn’t bad. He could correctly count how many people were in the tribe and wouldn’t get it wrong when he split things up amongst others.

But when it came to adding all the numbers one to ninety-nine…

He had never calculated anything like this before.

However, this really needed to be practiced. It might come in handy someday?

With that in mind, Xiong Ye began to count: “1, 2, 3…”

Grandpa Priest had taught him how to count up to one hundred, but it was easy to lose count that way, so he had divided it up into ten groups of ten. He made little piles of ten, and when he had ten piles, he would push them together to make a pile of one hundred before going on to count out the next hundred…

After finally achieving the answer, Xiong Ye immediately went to look for Zhou Ji and share his results, but he discovered that Zhou Ji had already fallen asleep.

He felt an itch in his heart, but Zhou Ji wasn’t feeling well after all…

Xiong Ye simply lay down in bed and helped himself. He had done this for himself before, and it had only changed to having Zhou Ji help him after he had become mates with Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji, who hadn’t actually gone to sleep, “……”

He had gotten halfway there when Xiong Ye saw Zhou Ji open his eyes. He leaned over to give him a kiss and said, “Zhou Ji, help me!”

Zhou Ji glanced over and reached out a hand. Xiong Ye embraced him and moaned softly.

After it was finally over, Xiong Ye felt so comfortable that he didn’t want to get up, but Zhou Ji pinched his face, “Did you finish calculating the number I asked you for?”

“I figured it out!” Xiong Ye replied.

“How much is it?”

Xiong Ye got out of bed to look at his pile of wooden bits. He finally said, “It’s forty nine one hundreds plus forty nine!”

“Wrong. It should be forty nine one hundreds plus fifty.” Zhou Ji replied. The people of the tribe generally didn’t come into contact with numbers much, so they could only count up to one hundred and would count how many hundreds there were from there on out.

Modern people might find this a bit troublesome and annoying, but it was already pretty good for these people to be able to count to one hundred smoothly. Zhou Ji seemed to remember that ninety-nine in French roughly translated to four twenties plus ten plus nine…

“Why?” Xiong Ye looked at Zhou Ji in confusion, “You’ve counted it before? I haven’t seen you count anything before!”

This was such a difficult question. If Zhou Ji had calculated it, he definitely should’ve seen a lot of sticks around.

“I don’t need to count, I just have to think about it in my head to know the answer.” Zhou Ji replied.

Think about it and know the answer? Xiong Ye was shocked as he looked at Zhou Ji. “Did the Beast God tell you?”

Xiong Ye suddenly understood. He rearranged his pile and realized that it really was forty nine one hundreds plus fifty.

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