Imagine 1

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You have been stuck in Neverland for the past 3 years, and in those 3 years, you were stuck in a tiny cramped up box of a cage with your hands and ankles bound tightly by rope. A random lost boy would bring you bread and water thrice a day to serve as food for survival.

Every night after the sun would set, you would be forced to watch the lost boys have fun and dance and holler around as Pan's beautiful music would encircle the whole camp, he would use his enchanted Pan Pipe every night, and this was your torture, for you see, the music playing would make you want to get up and dance freely and wildly until the sunrises. You, having your ankles and hands bound together tightly, would have to watch and just dream of what it would be like to taste, or even just have a little lick of freedom.

In this particular day, just before sunset, you were waiting for your bread and water to be served by a random lost boy, your stomach had been grumbling because the bread and water they serve you would never be enough to replenish your hunger, but surprisingly, Peter Pan himself had brought you the food.

"Well this is new, the actual leader does his little dogs' work for them." You sassed as he slipped your bread and water through the bars. He only answered you with a quick raise of an eyebrow and his sinister smirk.

'One day I'll slap that stupid smirk off your face...' You thought.

Right now you were so hungry you could eat anything, even the bitter taste of their bread.

As soon as he slipped the bread through the bars you quickly grabbed it and devoured the whole thing, ignoring it's bitter taste.

Before ten seconds were up, you had already eaten up every last bit of bread and sipped up every droplet of water that he had served.

"Well aren't you a hungry little girl."

"Probably because the food you give me every meal wouldn't even be enough to fill my stomach." You snapped.

He chuckled and waved his hand. A loaf of bread was in it's place. You looked at the bread hungrily, trying not to get your mouth to water.

"You want some?" He asked, teasingly waving the bread in front of your cage. You swallowed thickly and nodded your head.

Surprisingly, he slipped the bread into your cage as well as a glass of water. You raised your eyebrow at him, wondering if he had poisoned it. "Don't worry love, I didn't poison it." He said as if he had read your mind. "What's the catch?" You asked. "Nothing. I just feel like being very generous right now. Now eat it before I change my mind." He stood up and walked to the campfire. You eyed the bread and water warily, wondering whether to eat it or not. You just shrugged and dug through the loaf of bread, not even aware of Pan's amused smirk as he watches you eat.

After a few, torturing hours of watching the lost boys dance around freely around the fire, you fell asleep in your cage, once again dreaming of what it would be like to be free, unaware that it was Pan himself controlling your dreams, letting you dream of freedom.

Pan walked up to your cage and looked at your sleeping figure, caressing your cheek once in every while.

The only reason why he had you in that cage was because he was in love with you, ever since he saw you in the sandy beaches of Neverland. Him, not being good at love at all, had ensured less chances of you leaving, thus bounding your hands and ankles together.

This had been your cycle every night, he would bring you food, add a little bit more when you're still hungry, then watch you sleep, and control your dreams, still unaware of the feelings Pan had for you, but you were fully aware of the feelings you had for Pan.

 Every night, when he was sure you were fast asleep, he would visit your cage and look at you like this: (see gif)



i really hate school-.-

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now