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"So where exactly are we going?" Ciel asked as they walked through the forest.

"To talk to members of the Order. They may know what happened with The Void and if that fails The Observer may have some answers." Masky replied.

"The Observer?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, he is one of the members of the collective and is usually in The Void along with the others." Hoodie said.

Everyone stayed silent as they walked through the forest to where ever The Order members were.

(Back at the CP Manor's POV)

"So Bassy~ and the twerp left?!" Grell asked. 

"Yeah, about five minutes ago." Eyeless Jack said calmly.

"Well I'm not letting Bassy~ leave me behind!" Grell said as he walked to the door. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Eyeless Jack said.

"And why not?!" Grell said turning around looking annoyed.

"If the rake finds you without one of use he will tear you to shreds." Eyeless Jack said still being very calm. 

"I think I can handle a little rake." Grell said clearly not understanding what the rake was. He walked outside the door and slammed it. 

"Five. Four. Three. Two~..." Jeff said counting down just as a high pitched grell scream was heard and he ran into the house and hid behind Eyeless Jack hugging him. 

"WHAT WAS THAT THING!?" Grell demanded pointing to the door as Jeff and Ben laughed at him. Only a pair of yellow-ish glowing eyes where visible in the darkness of the forest. A low growl sounded and the eyes disappeared as the door closed.

"That my friend was the rake." Ben said chuckling with Jeff. 

"And could you let go of me?" Eyeless Jack asked a little  uncomfortable with grell clinging to him. 

"Do you not like me cuddling you~?" Grell said smiling the smile he would when he was with Sebastian (or well any other guy he liked for that matter) and cuddled Eyeless Jack from behind. 

"No not really." Eyeless Jack said as he pushed grell off of him and onto the floor.

"Oh this is just how demons show affection~" Grell said. "I know Bassy~ always does this."

"Ha! looks like Eyeless Jack here's got himself a little stalker." Toby said laughing more with Ben and Jeff. 

"Haha! Fake bitch, not even hell wants your ugly ass." Jeff said laughing and smiling bigger if that's even possible.

"YOU UGLY PIECE OF-." Grell yelled as he grabbed his chainsaw out of... well thin air is what it seemed and rand towards Jeff. Jeff grabbed a metal pipe that may or may not be Hoodies and blocked the chain saw with it. He kicked grell in the stomach and pulled the chainsaw out of his hands. He threw the chainsaw to the side, grabed his knife out of his pocket and jumped on grell holding him to the floor trying to hold his wrists down. Grell and Jeff struggled like that for a few seconds and Jeff held him down and stabbed him twice. Once in the neck and the other in the heart. Grell then kicked Jeff off and ran to his chainsaw. 

"You should of died already!" Jeff growled as Eyeless Jack, Ben, and Toby watched.

"You cant kill me with that pathetic excuse for a weapon!" Grell yelled back somewhat smiling. Grell ran at Jeff again with the chainsaw and again Jeff was blocking it with the metal pipe. 

"Jeff would you stop fighting with him! There's no use. Its obvious he wont die and if you keep this up I wont hesitate to let him kill you." Eyeless Jack said.

"No! I'm not gonna lose to this fake bitch!" He yelled trying to hold of the chainsaw with the pipe that was about to be sawed in half. Just then something grabbed Jeff by the back of the sweatshirt and grell fell with his chainsaw cutting a hole in the floor. 

 "Jeff I am not letting all of us get punished for what you are doing!" Ej yelled. "We were told to not mess anything us and your not helping anything! Now BOTH of you apologize to each other and stop this or were all gonna be in trouble!" Eyeless Jack yelled as he set Jeff back down next to the wall.

"You don't really expect me to apologize to-" Eyeless Jack threw his scalpel and it punctured the wall right next to Jeff's head. (Being in an anime) Jeff sweat dropped. "SORRYYOUFAKEFAG." Jeff yelled quickly to grell as he ran up to him room.

"WHAT?!" Grell yelled. 

"Just leave him... I'm going to bed..." Eyeless Jack said to Grell and he lowered his chainsaw and looked at Eyeless Jack.

"Anything for you Jacky~." Grell said as Eyeless Jack walked out of the room to his own being followed by Grell. Then Ben and Toby heard Eyeless Jack yell. "NO GRELL YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MY ROOM." Followed by a loud door slam. Toby and Ben laughed a bit and looked back to the TV where they were playing mario cart before everything with grell happened. Ben unpaused the game and him and Toby continued to play but then there was a bright light and everything went dark. 

(Back with the others in the forest)

"I think that's them over there." Masky said pointing towards a small building. In front of the building was a person with a white mask. (Like the anonymous mask but white) holding a candle. They walked up to the man. 

"We would like to talk with the leader." Hoodie said. Recognizing them as Slenderman's proxys he let them inside. But after the others entered something caught ciels eye. A single white feather lying on the ground. He picked it up but got distraced by a voice. 

"Coming young master?" Sebastian asked. 

"Yes I'll be right there." Ciel said as he put the feather in his jacket pocket and walked inside. There where more people in masks inside as well as candles dimly lighting the room. Some where singing a song in some language Ciel had never heard while one was standing behind a podium. The one at the podium raised his hand to silence the others. He looked to the group but mostly to Masky and Hoodie. 

"It is an honor to have those that have come in touch with the great being in our presence." He said in a loud deep voice. 

"We would like to know if any have tried to connect with The Void." Masky asked. 

"No we have not. The only ones that may are ones that are chosen by the Overseer." He said.

Hoodie sighed. "Has the Overseer chosen anyone to?" He asked.

"No he has not. We are sorry we cant be of more help to you. Why do you seek this information?" He asked.

"That information isn't needed to you." Masky said as he walked out being followed by Hoodie then Ciel and Sebastian closely followed. 

"Well they weren't of much help." Ciel said.

"Yes, but at least we know it wasn't them." Masky said.

They were silent walking back to the mansion when a bright light blinded them and everything went black. 


Heyo peeps. I'm tired as hell writing this and I hope its alright what with my tired-ness. Anyway  comment any ideas or suggestion or feedback if ya got any. Imma go to sleep...

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