So many freaks

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Cp POV: 

"Okay we need to find Laughing Jack and fast. With the way this dimension is we cant be killing any important people especially him." Masky said.

"What do you mean 'we'?" Jeff said.

Black butler POV: 

Me and Sebastian walked deeper into the forest. At this time night had fallen. 

"Sebastian lets leave. There's no point in giving this further investigation if we cant see." I told him.

"Yes Young master." Sebastian replied and we started making our way back the way we came. It was taking extremely longer to get out than it had to get into the forest. I heard a faint ruffling noise somewhere behind us but I passed it off as wildlife. Then I heard something truly unsettling.

"BASSY!" The red-headed freak named Grell yelled. Grell ran towards Sebastian, and Sebastian simply stepped out of the way as Grell tried to pounce on him  falling on his face.

"What are you doing here?!" I demanded. Grell got up and while starring at Sebastian explained.

"Well, brat. I was doing my job when I came upon this forest with the two dead men. I then got lost in here, but all's well now that Bassy's here!" Grell said trying to hug Sebastian.

"Would you get a hold of yourself! We need to find a way out of here." I said.

"Why should we? There seems to be no way out of here." Grell said still trying to hug an annoyed Sebastian. 

"It seems as though the reaper is right young master. We turned back and tried walking the way we came. We should have exited the forest nearly half an hour ago."

"So there's no possible way out?" I asked Sebastian.

"I'm afraid there's not my lord." Sebastian said pushing Grell back by his face as Grell tried to hug him.

"Then what are we going to do?" I asked Sebastian slightly annoyed.

"I'll answer that kiddo! Hahaha!" Said a familiar voice. I turned and saw the monochrome clown from the dream I had. And he had the same evil smile on his black lips.

I would have given a command if I could, I felt frozen in place unable to move or speak, though I wasn't afraid. Sebastian looked to the clown pushing Grell onto the ground. Grell looked up at the clown.

"Who are you?!" He nearly yelled.

"Why I'm Laughing Jack! And im supposed to take care of little kiddo here... Hehehe!" He said while slowly walking towards me.

I tried to get words out and I managed to yell out. "Sebastian!" Sebastian walked in front of me blocking the clown from view.

"Hehehe, what are you going to do?" The clown asked.

Sebastian walked toward the clown and tried attacking him. With a puff of black smoke he was gone. And appeared at my side with a evil grin.

"Missed me!~" The clown taunted in a sing-song voice. Sebastian, looking annoyed, ran at the clown again. But once more he was gone and re-appeared in front of me. 

"Missed me again!~ Hehehe!" The clown laughed and Sebastian became more frustrated with the clown. Sebastian tried attacking once again, but the clown disappeared to quick for him to catch.

"Oh I almost felt that one! Hahaha!" The clown laughed. "You can catch me just as easily as the drag queen can catch you! Ahahaha!" The clown was close enough for me now to reach out with his abnormally long arms and catch me. Then there was a loud noise.

"WHAT did you call me?!" Grell demanded starting up his chainsaw, as the clown chuckled. "I'll kill this pathetic excuse for a clown!" Grell yelled running toward the clown who happened to be in front of me.

The clown smiled wickedly and laughed. As Grell ran towards the clown in front of me Sebastian could see what the clown was trying to get Grell to do. He quickly pushed Grell from his run toward the clown. 

"This is getting quite dull. I'll just leave with what I came for..." The clown said smiling. I felt I could move again but my mouth stayed shut and I tried to get away from the clown but he grabbed me. Sebastian wasn't quick enough the get me away from the clown and with a puff of black smoke Sebastian, Grell, and the forest was gone. I closed my eye. It felt as if my insides were being turned inside out while the black smoke surrounded us. I tryed to get out of the clowns grip on my shoulders but when I tried he just dug his claws deeper into my shoulders drawing blood. The black smoke cleared and we arrived where ever we were. 

I opened my eye and saw we were in a carnival tent. One that was very old and the colors only black and white. We were on a stage in front of... dead children. I looked at them terrified and the clown laughed an evil laugh. Once again I felt frozen in place.

"Ahaha! Come one, come all! Gather 'round for the greatest show around!~" He said to the children. "We have a newcomer today! So kiddo... wanna play a game?" He asked turning to me giving a evil grin. I didn't say anything. One of the tents curtains were pulled open to reveal two men. One wearing a Mask with black around the eyes and on the lips. 

The clowns smile faded, and in a poof of black smoke once again my insides felt inside out. As the smoke faded it show we were back to where I had been. Sebastian and a knocked out Grell still there, Sebastian looking angry when he saw the clown. And grell was not doubt knocked out by Sebastian from Grells attempts to hug him. 

"Jack we cant kill them." The one in the mask said. 

"What? Why!" the clown responded.

"In this universe they play big parts. Its risky enough killing civilians but they are to important to this world." The one in the mask said. 

"Fine then..." The clown said sounding rather annoyed that he didn't get to torture and kill me the way he had probably planned. And he disappeared in a puff of the black smoke.

Sebastian returned to my side certain to keep me safe. After all the clown is a killer. I'm not sure about the one in the mask but they seem to know each other, so he could possibly be a killer as well. 

The one in the mask looked to us and walked forward. Sebastian tensed ready to attack if necessary. The masked man didn't look like he men't any harm yet.

"Hello my names Masky."


Heyo peeps! Brought grell in if ya don't mind. I'll will have the next part out soon I promise! Its so fun writing these! Well see ya soon! Also comment any ideas or suggestion if ya got any! Byezez!

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