12: Mum

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When you woke up, the other side of the bed was cold, your hand stretching across the empty side of the mattress and you could smell the cooking from downstairs.


Getting out of bed, you stumbled to the bathroom, your legs not savouring the memory from last night. You pulled your hair up into a ponytail and put on your best lingerie before crawling downstairs, following the scent of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes.

"I want to fuck you for how good that smells," You smiled, hand snaking up the doorway as you jutted your hip out.

Someone cleared their throat from the dining table, and only then did you notice Toto was sat down, your mother cooking your breakfast whilst gawking at her Twenty-Something-Year-Old Daughter wearing lingerie for her lover who was almost double her age.

Your mother took a sharp inhale of breath, "Who taught you to speak like that?" her voice was sharp and tasted bitter whilst you covered your arms across your chest with a squeak.

"Mum! What are you doing here?" You yelped, diving behind whatever object was closest to you, Toto averting his eyes whilst your mother poured him a coffee.

She smiled at him, "Am I not allowed to visit my own daughter?" and then turned to you, spatula pointed directly at your crossed arms, "What on earth are you wearing?" her voice was still the same, condemning everything you did.

Toto looked you over and a smirk graced his face. Well, he was clearly impressed with your garments, or lack thereof. His tongue darted out between his lips and traced a stripe of saliva along the dry skin.

"A heads up would be nice," You protested and made your way up the stairs, "It's my halloween costume," you lied, "I'm going to be a sexy angel,"

Toto laughed, whilst your mother handed him a plate of food, "I like this one," she complemented whilst you put a shirt over your lingerie and pulled a pair of jeans on over.

"He's just a friend from work!" You lied again.

You could hear him chuckle through a bite of food, "I'm her boss," he informed as you made your way across to the table, grabbing your own plate of food.

"Not a bad one, either," you sweetly smiled at him.

Your mum knew better than to ask, and her eyes locked onto your nose, "What on earth happened with your gorgeous nose?"

"A driver broke it," Toto blurred out, feeling charmed by the likes of your mother. It wasn't every day that he got to be around women his age, and it was refreshing for him, to be honest.

You spun your head to face him, almost snapping your spinal cord at the severity of the movement, "Toto!" you shot out, "It's fine, mum, we're friends now, she's nice, actually."

Toto nodded, "Reminds me of your daughter, actually," he added.

"Oh lord, this world is only big enough for one of my daughter's personality," She joked, though the joke sliced close to the bone with what she meant by it, "I'm sure she's lovely,"

Your mother's face contorted at the realisation, "It's not Ryan Bradford we're on about, is it?" she asked, already running a memory montage of every outburst the fiery young driver had on and off track.

"The very one, and I like her," You commented, remembering the conversation the pair of you had on the veranda the night before, "We have common interests," You took a bite of a pancake whilst your mother looked over at Toto.

She directed her line of enquiry to him, "She's the one that was on fire, right?"

Toto nodded, "She's a good driver, just has a tendency to be a bit dramatic at times," he spoke truly. He didn't owe your mother honesty, yet here he was.

"Mum, I've got to get to work in an hour, I trust you'll lock up?" You smiled impolitely at her. It's not that you didn't like your mother barging into your house and violating your privacy... but... no, that was it.

Toto looked shocked at the way you had spoken to her, his eyebrows furrowing softly whilst finishing his plate.

All your mother said was, "Sure, honey," as you got up from the table and made your way over to the door.

"Can you drop me at Bono's? I left my car at his," You groaned, hand squeezing the skin of your neck.

"I'll get my keys, it was nice meeting you, Ma'am," Toto smiled.


Once at the office, you and Toto parted ways, you going directly to the factory, only stopping when you saw the familiar brunette from the night before.

"Ryan?" You asked, eyes scanning over her race overalls, Mercedes overalls. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

She smiled at you, "Hey! Sorry about your nose - God, it looks worse now!" She laughed before slapping her hand across your shoulders, "Sorry!" she apologised again, only making your grin wider.

"It's fine," You laughed.

"I'm doing some testing with Mercedes, I'm still a reserve driver for them so Toto wants me to test out Valterri's car at the track," Ryan explained, holding a duffel bag of clothes in her hand. You noticed the perfectly manicured nails, the Red Bull design making you smile as she stood there.

You said, "I guess I better drive you to the track then?"

She looked up at you, "I mean, if that's alright with you? I could drive us there?" she offered and pulled out her car keys, the solo key making you furrow your eyebrows.

"Is that the only key you own?" You joked, "Surely you have a house key somewhere?"

Ryan looked around awkwardly, "Well, I'm kinda house hunting right now so I don't technically have a house."

Your eyes softened, "I have a spare room, it's probably not as fancy as you'd want but you can crash if you need to?" the offer flew out of your mouth before you could even think about any of the technicalities. Or Toto.

If he wanted to come over, it would be awkward, but Ryan already knew about your big secret, and you knew hers, so surely it wouldn't be too bad? And, the whole thing with Toto wasn't a relationship at all, just friends with benefits.

"I'd love to!" She exclaimed, crushing you in a hug, "That's so kind of you, at least until I can find a proper place of my own," she promised you, and you picked up her bag for her.

To say she was about 5'3, it weighed a ton.

You both made your way to the car park before driving her to Silverstone.

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