Coronation Mid-Morning

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Madeleine's POV

I run my fingers through my wet hair. Tonight Liam would choose his bride, tonight he will choose love. I know that everyone expects him to choose me, but I am not sure I want to be the queen, let alone his queen. I know they think I don't know what they are saying behind my back, but I do. If they had ever thought of talking to me about what I want, maybe they would be surprised. Maybe not.

There is a knock on my door and I quickly retie my robe. Answering it I was surprised to see my father and the King. The two of them walked in without being invited.

"Make sure you wear something other than green tonight." my father instructs.

"Yes, my dear that would be wise. You will want your first pictures with your fiance to be different than your last one." Constantine states. "No one will stand in your way once again. I have made sure of that."

"But Lady Riley?"

"She has been taken care of. Liam will be heartbroken, at first, but he will always choose duty over his foolish beliefs. Besides, you will be in his bed tonight, he won't even care." Constantine's smile is filled with mirth.

"Well, gentleman, I need to finish getting ready. Thank you for stopping by." I say hoping my voice doesn't give away the emotions stirring within me.

"Of course," Constantine says as he heads for the door. He has his hand on the doorknob, but he turns around, "Finally, you will be my daughter-in-law. Bed him well tonight."

"Don't fuck this up Madeleine, you were bred for this since birth. I have worked too hard to see the crown slip from our grasp again." my father says as he leaves my room.

Bred for this? Have I been reduced to one of Penelope's fucking poodles? What am I a prized show dog? Why does Constantine think I would even dream of fucking Liam? I was with Leo for three fucking years, did they think that I am so desperate and brainless that I would even think that is ok? What kind of woman leaves one brother's bed for the other's. A classless whore, of which I am neither.

Picking up my phone, I send him a text. My gut is telling me something is not right. What the hell have they done? I have to talk to him. I really need him to understand the gravity of the situation. I am done playing the puppet.

He finally arrives just after lunch was brought to my room. I know that there wouldn't be any prying eyes or ears. The look on his face breaks my heart. He is so angry with me. He doesn't have the right to be. I am not the one who left.

"What can I do for you, Countess?" Leo asks flatly.

"How about you take that hostility out on that bitch you left me for. You have no right to be angry. Especially when you haven't heard my side of things, Your Highness." I say, then taking a deep breath.

"Madi...I..." Leo starts, but I cut him off.

"No, I don't want to talk about it right now. I called you here to tell you what has been going on since that woman had her hooks in you. Please have a seat and listen." I moved to the empty chairs on the balcony.

He uncovers his dish and looks up at me and smiles. I made sure that we were having one of his favorite dishes. For a moment, I see the man I still very much love. Focus!

"I called you here because I need your help. I think your father and mine have done something to disqualify Lady Riley. They both came here this morning, telling me that I was going to be chosen tonight. Your father even told me, and I quote, 'bed him well tonight'. I am not a whore." I can see his eyes darken in anger.

I continue, "Leo, I don't want to be with Liam. Like at all. He was never the brother for me. Anyway, I cannot go talk to Liam, because they would know I said something. Leo, my gut is telling me that it was something horrible. We both know that Constantine does just hurt someone who doesn't bend to his will, he destroys them."

"Madi, why were you participating in Liam's social season?" Leo asks, I can see a little hope in his eyes.

"I didn't sign up, Leo. I was going to the picnic because I was invited by your father and Aunt Regina. Constantine had already announced that I would be joining the season. Not that anyone asked me if I even wanted to." I sigh. "You had left me, six months prior. Did they really think, I could throw away three years of loving you, in six months? I am not you, Leo. I am not heartless."

"Madi, I am sorry I hurt you, but I didn't want to be King. I thought Katie was going to be part of my freedom. You were bred to be a Queen." he says.

Anger builds in me. "I am not the crown's bitch! I am not some show dog you breed to produce valuable pups. I am a fucking human being, or did all of you fucking forget that fact? Leo, did you once think to talk to me about what I wanted?"


"No. Did you really not know that I wanted you; not the crown? I wanted to be your wife. If you took a mistress, I was told not to show that it killed me. I was told it is the price of marrying into the Royal family. I was told how to act in social settings, but when we were alone, I thought I made it perfectly clear. Then again, I thought you loved me, so I guess I was wrong. We were never taught how to show love." I clear my throat. "Anyway, we need to help Liam and Lady Riley. We both know they love each other, don't you think it is time for our rulers to love each other as much as they love Cordonia? Let's focus on fixing this, then we can talk about us later."

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