The Stone Pt. 2

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Madeleine's POV

"First thank you Madi, for alerting me to what was going on behind our backs." Liam starts. "As we all know, my father is planning to disqualify Riley from the season. It has now come to my knowledge that Tariq was misled in thinking that Riley's assigned room was his and made unwanted advances. I have sent the Beaumonts back to Applewood, to look for any clues in the trees closest to her window. Drake believed that he say a flash. I am sure of it. Pictures, if taken correctly, would make it look like Riley is unfaithful, but to me, they show the crime that actually took place."

Riley sniffles, I can see the pain all over her body. She is reliving that moment. Liam comforts her and she sobs her apologies for not telling him with Drake told her she should. He kisses her and tells her that it hurt him to hear it after the fact, but was thankful that he found out before his coronation. He holds her as she continues to sob, and he whispers in her ear, she starts to calm down.

Riley gives Liam a weak nod before he kisses her temple so tenderly. I remember the last time Leo did that. It was the week before he left on that damn cruise.

Liam's voice brings me back. "Riley and I are expecting. We weren't going to tell anyone, except those closest to us, until she was out of the first trimester, but with everything working against us. It is imperative that we put everything out on the table and devise a plan of attack."

"Marry her, you must marry her, now," I say. "This is sovereign ground and Leo controls all that happens here. He is the only one who can perform all the legal requirements that will allow Riley to be Queen."

I walked over to my bag and pull out the envelope that was slipped under my door twenty minutes before Leo enters my room. It had Alamas's seal on it. She was my only true friend.

"Here." I hand the document to Leo, "sign this and they can be married." I can feel the other looking at me. "It is a marriage decree. This land was given to Leo mother, she was smart enough to declare it sovereign. Constantine foolishly signed the document without reading it. If he had he would not have done so, as it would leave him vulnerable to a situation such as this."

"Liam? Can this be true, will this work?" Riley asks.

"Of course! Madeleine, I am so sorry I missed judged you. But from what I had learned,  a Royal in hiding or exile can marry in a sovereign land, providing that someone of his family could perform the marriage, and when he took back his throne the person they married would be able to be confirmed as their Queen or King." Hana beams.

"But we don't have rings. I don't have a dress!" Riley panics.

"Well, I haven't exactly asked you to marry, yet, Love." Liam winks.

"Now is not the time for antics. Riley, I have two gowns for you to chose from." Now it made sense that the dresses weren't from the King after all. She is one sly fox.

Everyone turned to look at me, then Leo's eyes widened in understanding. He laughs.

"Little brother, get to asking so we can get you two married." he walks over to his bag and pulls out a little red box, and hands it to Riley.

Riley's eyes nearly come out of her head as she shows the contents to Hana, who gasps. I tell them that we needed to get this task completed so that we can finish and make it back to the palace without suspicion. The document was signed and I and Drake signed as witnesses.

Hana and I take Riley to a place out of view and we helped her chose a dress. After her hair and make-up are done, both Hana and I admired how beautiful Riley is.

We helped her pick the perfect dress, and as it turned out the dress she chose is the one that is precisely her size and looks exquisite on her. Once everyone is ready, Leo let us know it was time to start. Both Hana and I walked her down to her groom.

Riley could not stop beaming. She looked so happy at this moment. Liam gazed at her with reverence, love, and devotion. Tears pooling in my eyes when I remembered how Leo used to look at me liked that.

God, I miss those days. Liam takes Riley's hand and kisses her palm. Yep, he learned that one from Leo. I smile and look at Leo. He catches my gaze and I blink out of my haze and take my place to the left of the happy couple.

The ceremony is short and sweet but has all the necessary elements to make it legally binding. Once Liam is officially crowned King, Riley will be Cordonia's new Queen. Anything anyone tries to do to her now will be treason. Liam will have sole power in deciding their fate. Please don't let anyone be that dense.

Their kisses are sweet and purposeful. I notice that Drake's eyes sadden, but then back to their normal state. I can see the same look in his eyes, that mine has had from time to time. But unlike me, Drake never had the one he longed for. She made it very clear that her heart and soul belonged to Liam. In the same way, that mine belongs to Leo.

Now with all the pomp and circumstances have ended. We now need to strategize on who the rest of the evening was going to go. We only had an hour or so before we would be missed. I hated to interrupt the festivities, but we needed to hurry.

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