Coronation Surprise

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Madeleine’s POV 

“If you’ll excuse us one moment.” Regina tries to keep her composure. 

Constantine waves Liam over to where the three of them are standing. I see Liam’s hands become fist. Then everyone’s cellulars start buzzing.  I here gasps before my own cell starts buzzing.  It is time to move into action.

Regina announces that Lady Riley has been disqualified. Constantine insists that Liam choose his bride now. Liam is pissed.  He looks at me and I nod to him. I watch as Bastien and a few guards have moved towards Riley, and had moved Hana and Drake from her side and were beginning to pull her and the Beaumonts from the ballroom.

Liam takes his place on the dias. “Get your hands of the Queen!” everyone stops. Liam demands Bastien to come forward. I see that Hana, Drake ,and Leo are now surrounding Riley.

“Who told you to remove Riley?”

“Your highness, I am following his Majesty’s request to remove her from the palace.”

“How quickly you all seem to forget. I am now the King of Cordonia, the signet is upon my finger.” Liam holds his hand up for everyone to see. Then he pulls his wedding band from his pocket and slips it onto its rightful place.

“Riley, please come and join me.” Liam states. 

I can hear the murmuring around, but I am proud to see Riley hold her head up high and walk up to her husband. She too has slipped on her wedding rings. As she makes it to Liam’s side, Constantine storms up to them.

“You will not marry this whore! This is an insult to all of Cordonia!” Constantine roars.

Riley steps in front of Liam. I am amazed as the slap reverberates throughout the room. 

“I will have you arrested for treason, you little bitch.” Constatine sneers at her.

Liam pulls Riley protectively behind him. “You will be the one arrested for treason, old man. You dare threaten your Queen?”

My father grabs my arm and pulls me to the front. He turns to Constantine and Liam.

“Liam! This is an outrage. You made an agreement to choose Madeleine! Would you dare go back on your word, for some commoner. Madeleine was bred to be Queen!”

I yank my arm from his grasp and slap him. “I am not your Bitch! I will not marry Liam, I will not be queen! No amount of tricks or deception on your part will get you the crown.”

I stand beside Riley. Liam looks at me and I nod.

“As King, I will be dissolving the council as we know it now. The council has be tainted with tradior. Some are with the Sons of the Earth and others with a secret society who call themselves Via Imperii.  Yes, I know who you are, I know what you think you will earn by forsaking your house vows to be loyal to the crown and Cordonia.” 

Some of the Dukes and Lords start to protest. Angelique and some of the guards hand picked from Lyithkos, Auvernal, and Monitissro enter the ballroom and arrest all those that have been named conspirators of either group.

“As you see, those in handcuff are being charged with high treason. I will hear your defenses in exactly three months, but until that time cells will be your new home. You will not have contact with anyone. Until I see fit to grant you an audience.”

“People of Cordonia, the images that you are looking at are not, Riley being unfaithful, but a crime. She was in her room and someone took it upon themselves to discredit her in the most vile of acts. They made Lord Tariq believe that her room was his, and being an idiot, he tried to force himself upon her. I know the truth of her intentions and heart. Knowing that this was taking place, we were wed in secret. She is my wife and your Queen. Together we will take Cordonia into a new and bright future. Madeleine has graciously accepted the position of Royal Director Communications and Royal Advisor to the Queen. My brother Leo, will be the Royal Advisor and Liaison to myself, and will be able to conduct duties in my absence.”

He turns to Bastien and looks him in the eye. “Did you have anything to do with this?”

Bastien swallows and bows his head, “I was told to set this up, or someone else will set up her murder. Your Majesty. I am the one who sent Drake the message to get to her room immediately.” 

Drake states that he received a message, but he did not know where it came from. I made it look like Riley wanted to talk to him about something. Riley squeezes Liam’s hand. 

“Drake will take your place has head guard until I can verify that you are trustworthy.  If I were you, I hope you think long and hard about the choices you made. My head guards are not only to protect me from harm, but also to protect me from harming others. I don’t want a spineless, weak person with no sense of morality charge of protecting Cordonia. Your dismissed to your room. Drake will deal with you.”

Liam turns to the rest of the crowd. “The Coronation of Queen Riley will take place in one week, after which we will leave on our honeymoon. I and my wife will retire for the evening, please enjoy your evening.”

The Royal couple leaves heading to their quarters. We had moved Riley’s thing to their suite shortly after she arrived to the ballroom.

I walk out onto the balcony. Rashad catches my eye and he nods before disappearing. Angelique steps up besides me. “If you need me get word to my cousin, he will make sure get information to me. Haven’t you ever notices the resemblance that he has to the king’s guard, Kayden?”  She smirks. “Bastien can be trusted. He was ordered to have Riley killed, but he did not. He chose to disqualify her. After all he is a descendant of the King of Spies. Their methods are at times controversial. ”

After a few more moments, my mother walks out onto the balcony. “I am so proud of you.” she grabs my hand. “You have grown into the woman I have always hoped you would be.  Forgive that silly boy, you heard it yourself the way Connie dismissed him. But don’t go to easy on him. Make him work for it.” 

I giggle as she winks at me before becoming the Adeleine so many of these foolish nobles think they know. If they only knew that everything she drinks has no alcohol at all.

One more short chapter that will wrap up Madeleine's POV and this part of the story.

Thank you to everyone that has read and voted.

Let me know if you are interested in reading this story from another set of characters POV.

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