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If y'all don't start voting for chapter 13, we are going to have issues. I did not do a double update for you guys to be LACKING like this

"What do you mean there are no traces of him? He can't have just disappeared!"

"Sir, we are doing everything we can to find your friend. Please refrain from raising your voice or resorting to physical violence" the beta lady spoke quietly to Zayn, trying to calm to raging alpha.

Five days.

Louis had been gone for five days and there was no trace of him anywhere.

Zayn felt like he was going to go feral.

It took Niall, Liam, and Harry to hold him back from attacking one of the pr members who suggested they announce Louis as dead.

Zayn will not sleep, eat, or even thinking about anything other than Louis until he is found and when he is finally found, he will kill anyone that tries to take him away again.

"You have to calm down, Zayn, or they are going arrest your for assaulting and attacking everyone" Niall put a hand on Zayns shoulder, the black haired alpha having finally calmed down after his breakdown.

Liam had to forcibly pull him away by his neck to ensure that he didn't attack the agents still swarming the bus and the surrounding areas.

Search party after search party had been sent out to scour the woods behind the abandoned building, nothing being brought back.

Two more weeks went by before anything was found.

"What does the dead body of an old beta have to do with Louis?"

"The body has Louis' fingerprints all over it" Harry explained.

"Well..." Liam gave a wary look, "what was left of the body, at least"

Zayn tilted his head in confusion, seeing Niall out of the corner of his eye moving incase Zayn did something irrational.

"What do you mean, what was left of the body?"

The muscular alpha gave a solemn look before replying, "when they found the body... they only found the dismembered remanence of his arms and his skull. They found Louis' actual finger print on the clothes around him. Once again, what was left of the clothes"

"Where did they find the body?" Zayn kept his face stoic, refusing to show any emotion.

"Somewhere up north, where there is still snow"

"And they're sending search teams there too, right?"

Zayn felt the alphas close in around him, hearing Harry's sniffle as his head hung low.

"Zee... they... they are stopping the search parties"

Said alpha blinked one. Twice. Three times.

Liam didn't even have time to breath before Zayn was on top of him, hit after hit raining down on his chest.

"What do you mean they are stopping the search parties?! You've just found his DNA on a dead body! We have a new lead to where he could be and your just giving up? Does Louis mean nothing to you? Everything we've been through with him and you're letting these people give up?" Zayn was seething. His eyes were red and his breathing was heavy.

"Zayn," Liam caught his fists before he could land more hits, Harry and Niall coming up behind him to hold his shoulder, stopping all movement of his arms. "You didn't see the body. There was practically nothing left of that man. The team..." Liam took a deep breath, his heart hurting with every word he said. "The team wants to issue an article about Louis' death. A significant amount of his blood was also found near the body. The search teams followed it the best they could but it just disappeared"

Tears were slowly making their way down Liams face. Louis had been the center of his universe for so long, and now management wanted him to announce the death of his bandmate.

In Zayns eyes, he knew that it looked like he didn't care, but he did. He just... he has to be strong for the rest of the band. They were falling apart and with the managements seemingly careless nature about this entire situation, someone had to be the rock for the other alphas.

"Then search everywhere. Search every remaining square inch from there on! He was kidnapped by some psychopath and you're just letting management throw him away like he was nothing! I love him!" Zayn practically screamed, trashing around in the right grip of his band mates. "I have loved him for so long and I'll be damned if I let a bunch of assholes give up on him!"

Then, by some miracle, he tore out of Harry and Nialls grips, liams hands that were closed around Zayns fists loosening in shock, giving the black haired alpha a chance to escape him too.

"You guys can stay here, and act like everything is over and Louis isn't coming back, but I'm leaving. I will find him, even if it's the last thing I do"

Louis felt nothing but pain.

After trying to make a quick escape, he was forced to watch Carter tear the beta apart, limb by limb.

He was then dragged for what felt like a hundred miles until they finally came upon a tiny cabin, practically blending in with the trees around it.

This is it, Louis thought.

He's finally going to kill me.

The omega was taken off guard, but not exactly surprised when the first punch came at his face.

"You thought you could get away? You really thought a lousy, old beta was going to save you?" Carter spat in Louis' face, the omega trying to remain still.

He had learned that the less he fights back, the less he hurts afterwards.

"You don't even know what I went through. It took me so long to finally escape and now that I have, no one will ever see either of us ever again" the calmness in his voice is what scared Louis the most.

He closed his eyes as the alpha leaned in real close, his pointer finger tracing along Louis' jaw line.

"I'm going to make you regret your entire existence. I'm going to make you wish I'd killed you the first time"

"The one direction star, Louis Tomlinson has been reported dead just a mere week after his alleged kidnapping. Authorities and members of the band do not wish to disclose anymore information. Now, the public asks the question, 'is Tomlinson actually dead? Is this a hoax? Does this have anything to do with the mysterious disappearance of another member of the band, Zayn Malik?'  Fans are beginning to believe that everything they've been told is a lie..."

... next chapter is the last...

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