~the Image above is not mine. But its been like 30000 million years xd. Umm hi ig.~
Eventually sarada and boruto were born and over time became genin, then himawarai was born. But by this time Hayami was around 14, she was now a chunin and was doing really good. One hot afternoon she was just casually walking around the village after one of her missions. She was out to get groceries as you had asked of her after her mission. She had almost done when out of nowhere she saw her two younger cousins sadara and boruto charging towards her at full speed. Hayami froze confused at there sudden actions.
Sadara shouted happily.
They both stopped Infront of her out of breath.
"Ha-Hayami.. *panting* can *panting* you *panting* help us?" - boruto"Help you two with what?" - Hayami
"Well... *panting* ummm.. *more panting* urrmmm.. *breathes* can you convince people to do stuff?" - sadara
"Ummm not really I'm actually quite trash at that... But why? Are you two up to something?" - Hayami
"Oh... We thought you could do something for us since you have the sharingan right?" - boruto
"yes but sadara has it too.. Why can't she do it, or are you doing something that would get you into trouble?" - Hayami
"Umm. Yes I do but.. You have a higher level sharingan right. You can munipulate people right?" - sadara
"I mean I have the three tome sharingan nothing crazy.. It literally does the same thing as yours I can just see things a bit better. - Hayami
"Woah woah. Just ca down what do you even need help with?" - Hayami
"Well... Ya see my mum baked some cookies but we can only have two to save some for other people. But the thing is we both already had two. but later on tonight we are gonna have a sleepover at one of our friends house and we promised we would bring the cookies. But the only way to bring them is sneak them in..." - sadara
"oh my I knew this would be something we're not supposed to do. Well if I were you I would think before stealing from auntie sakura. I mean even daring to do it is a death sentence." - Hayami
"Pleaseeeeeeee Hayami pleaseeee" - boruto & sadara
"Ughh fine" - Hayami
Hayami knew that they would get caught but if anyone was going to get in trouble it was gonna be her. I mean if anything she wasn't afraid of getting in trouble with her aunt sakura or uncle sasuke. It was her dad. I mean he doesn't hurt her or shout, but his stare and stern voice is already enough to scare her till her soul leaves her body. But with all that Hayami didn't want to upset the two and went along with it. She really did need to learn to say no. But at this point of being around 13 or 14 making her younger cousins happy was her biggest concern. Unlike some unfortunate souls. They snuck into sadaras house. Hayami was on full alert. Her sensory skills were what was gonna get them through this. If it wasn't for all those games of hide n seek in the woods this mini mission would fail. She could sense the chakra of her aunt and... Oh dear her uncle too. Well that would make this whole thing 100 times more difficult. She snuck into the kitchen alone, this was because sadara and boruto had to chicken out and get her to do it all. She was careful on her feet, she saw the jar the cookies were in and they were on the very top shelf. She couldn't reach it at all. She wasn't blessed with being tall like her dad's side of the family. But instead was quite short for her age. She had to carefully climb, but whilst doing this she had activated her sharingan just incase. She climbed onto the counter and reached for the top shelf. She had a firm grip on the jar and jumped down without a sound. Step 1 complete. The next step was to find boruto and sadara but they had Completely disappeared. She couldn't sense there chakra anywhere in the house. At this point her blood was boiling. She had to now get pass her aunt and uncle by herself. Basically the equivalent of making someone who has been newly pronounced chunin rank go up against the strongest kunoichi and the rennigegan all by herself.
She hid her chakra and ran pass the open living room door which contained both sakura and sasuke. Then she left out one of the front windows near the front door. Right outside was boruto and sadara. Hayami just shoved the jar in their faces and went to her house which was just next to sadaras. Both boruto and sadara were over the moon but Hayami not so much. You scolded her for not being home on time and top of that itachi, her father was asking her about where she had been. She guessed that itachi had seen through her bull shit and was doing something she wasn't supposed to do. Itachi couldn't really understand why she did certain stuff. But then again itachi and Hayami had completely different experiences and expectations put onto them at 14.
"Hayami why can't you just tell me where you were?" - Itachi
"I was just showing boruto and sadara something no big deal or anything"
Hayami reasponded with an attitude as she shrugged her shoulders and slammed her bedroom door in front of itachi. All itachi could think about was how much trouble he would get in for doing that at her age..
[956 words]Ello soz if boruto and sadara were out of character bc I've barely watched boruto and its been ages since I've read the manga too.

Itachi x uzumaki reader -The plan -
Fanfiction[ALL IMAGES DO NOT BELONG TO ME] Hi hello everyone I had this idea of an itachi x reader for the longest time and basically you the reader are Narutos older sister. {content warning:} °swearing °a lot of death :p °fluff ° lemon -also I don't own an...