Dare, I ain't no p*ssy, b*tch(Steven Suptic x DumbDog)

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Steve's POV-

It was the holiday season and we had our friends over for a night of fun and games. By we, I mean Apollo and me. Of course, when our friends were over, it was a guarantee that we would play truth or dare. And that's what we were doing now. Snow swirled outside our house as we were all seated in a circle, couples leaning up against each other and a few of us either sipping coffee or hot chocolate. Our game had been going on for nearly an hour and there had been plenty of dares and a newly formed couple. I had to take credit for that, I had dared Koji and Ellum to go play seven minutes in heaven. Now they both sat with cherry-red faces next to each other, the biggest smiles I'd ever seen them wear on their faces and their fingers intertwined between them. It was getting later and the night had come on quick.

I was cuddled up with Apollo under a blanket, coffee in one hand while my other played with Apollo's hair. It was Ellum's turn and his gaze raked over all of us, a dangerous gleam in his eye that assured me he was up to no good. When his gaze landed on me and stayed there, a smirk curling the corner of his mouth, I knew I was screwed. Apollo's arm encircled my waist, pulling me close to him as though he was trying to protect me from Ellum's stare, and glared at him.

"Steve, truth or dare?"

I squirmed a bit. It was more like dare or dare, as everyone started calling you a pussy if you said truth, and then they'd still figure out a way to truth you into doing what they had planned anyway.

"Dare, I ain't no pussy, bitch." I puffed out my cheeks a bit, trying to show I wasn't nervous. His grin was like a shark's. "I dare you to give Apollo a lap dance." Everyone who had just taken a drink immediately spat it out and I made a choking sound as both Apollo and I's faces flamed red. I shook my head quickly, panicking slightly.

"No, no way. That's way too extreme. Something else, please." He laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry, that wasn't the real dare. I just wanted your reaction. The real dare is that...I dare you to go jump in a snowdrift in only your boxers, face-first, and stay there for a minute." I considered it for a few seconds and nodded.


I started getting up and moving towards our room, Apollo following me with a worried expression. I started shucking clothes off as he frowned at me, looking worried. "Steve, you're gonna get sick if you do this. Ellum can fuck right off, you don't need to do it." I shook my head at him, already in my boxers. I walked up and pecked him on the lips, smiling at him. "Don't worry Apollo, I'll be fine. If I don't, everyone is gonna make me do worse shit." He groaned, knowing I was right. I went back out and everyone had already gathered at the back door, a sliding glass door, and I saw Ellum had a timer. I saw a few gazes dart down before shooting back up to my face. I snapped my fingers by my face and grinned.

"Up here people. I know my pale ass is tempting, but you all have partners and I'm already taken." They rolled their eyes at my teasing and Ellum opened the door, grinning. You could already feel how freezing it was out there as a gust of wind blew a bit of snow into the room. I clenched my jaw and marched out the door, turning around to walk backwards. I made eye contact with Ellum and flipped him off as I turned back and dived into the deepest snow pile I could find.

Cold cold cold cold cold coldcoldcoldcoldCOLDCOLDCOLDCOLDCOLD.

That was my only thought process as I shivered in the snow drift. I could hear laughter from the warm inside and I groaned, throwing my head back. By the time that agonizing minute was up I was shaking like a leaf in a tornado and my teeth sounded like a jackhammer. I was gonna kill Ellum for this. Apollo was the one who called out in a worried voice, "Come back in babe! The minute is up!"

I'm pretty sure I could've qualified for the Olympics with how fast I ran back inside. I launched myself onto the couch while wrapping myself in every single blanket I could grab on the way, laughter following me. I wrapped myself up so that I was a literal ball, shaking in the dark confines of the warm blankets. I felt the couch dip beside me and I was suddenly lifted, put on someone's lap.

"Steve?" I heard my name come through the blankets, muffled from the barriers between us. I knew it was Apollo though and I couldn't stop my teeth long enough to form a real response, so I simply chattered, "C-C-Co-o-old-d." Laughter greeted my statement and heard someone, I think it was Ellum, say, "What did you expect?" I found a small hole in the blankets that I wormed my hand through to flip him off. More laughter greeted that gesture.

The next day I woke up groggily, in bed next to Apollo like usual. I groaned, rubbing at my head. My head felt like someone had clogged it up with wads of tissues. I rolled out of bed, careful not to wake Apollo, and plodded towards the kitchen. I made myself some hot chocolate, grabbed a box of tissues, and plopped down on the couch with a blanket. I curled up, regretting my decisions from last night. I must have drifted off again cause the next thing I registered was the press of soft lips against my temple and a pair of warm, strong arms hugging me against someone. I moaned and ducked my head into the crook of Apollo's shoulder, curling into his warmth. "You're gonna get sick too..."

"I don't care, you stupid idiot. I'm also gonna murder Ellum next time I see him."

I laughed, sniffling a bit.

"As long as I can help."

Our laughter filled the house and suddenly, I didn't feel so miserable anymore.

This was a one shot from my BBS one shot book. I only used it cause I'm not quite done with my current one shot I was working on and wanted to cheer someone up. I won't really do this often, only if I haven't updated in a long while. This was one of my favorite one shots that wasn't angsty and inspired by a true story lol. RIP my friend. That poor guy. Lol. Expect another one today <3

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