You drink a bit too much

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As you and Tom talk to him house in silence you keep on wondering why he wants to know you more you just a boring nobody that's always pushed around.. you snap out of your thoughts when Tom speak up
"Here it is" he says opening the door "make yourself at home I'll be straight back down" he says emotionless going to his room, you don't think much off it you close the door as you go in and go to the kitchen and look in the fridge the bacon cola you take one but notice there not alcohol and wonder if Tom just thought there was some.. just didn't really care and you sat down on the sofa turning on the tv after a while of you watching return of the insane zombie from hell 4 Tom comes back down with some Smirnoff you look at with with pure confusion of we're he got it from he just looks at your and says "Secret stash" you nod and continue watching the film
(oops got a bit distracted with Tom stuff this chapters going to take a while ;-;)
After the film is done Tom is a it more drink then he was before and you two start talking joking etc you didn't notice how late it was getting but Tom offered to watch another film so you accept your eyes start getting heavier and you put your head on toms shoulder and you fall asleep
~ toms pov ~
I feel y/n head on my shoulder I didn't know what to do so I just left her like that but she does look quite cute... ugh shit she getting to me I need to drink more to forget I ever thought that..

I wake up to a crash I look around and remember I'm at toms but he's not there I hear shouting it sounds like... Tom.. I think this is bad I get up and go over to him... and he is completely drunk like I don't think there any going back..
"Tom?" You say not sure what to do
"Ohh shit.. who you? What the Fuck you doing in my house?!" He says slurring his words he's too drunk to remember who you are. You get a cup of water and offer it to him " here drink this" he almost spills it out your hand "Fuck on your a stranger in my house! I don't want... shut.." he trails off saying stuff you can't work out into sentences anymore you take his Smirnoff he gets about angry with you but you tell him your going to top it up for hun but you put water in it instead but he doesn't notice you give it back to him and help him to the sofa you put something on he cuddles up to you falling asleep quickly you do shortly after

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