Part 2- The Ball.

219 15 8

Age: 12

"I don't care about your excuses, you are both going, end of conversation." Frigga explained, raising her eyebrows at Loki and tying the back of y/n's dress tighter.

Loki threw his head back dramatically and groaned as loud as he could.

"It's absurd Mother. We don't even know anybody there, they will probably be more interested in meeting Thor than us" Loki replied, rolling his eyes into the mirror so y/n could see his reflection, she rolled her eyes back in response making Loki smile.

"It is not my decision to make, your going to have to attend whether you both like it or not" she spoke in a soft tone, gently running her fingers through y/n's hair.

"Now come here so I can tidy your hair Loki" Frigga continued.

"I can do it myself" he replied, directing his gaze towards y/n and Frigga before using his magic to neatly slick back his long, black curls.

"See, I'm perfectly capable"

Frigga smiled kindly at her son before turning her attention back to y/n.

"What am I going to do with you both" she spoke, quietly laughing under her breath.

Even though they hated admitting it they knew they would have to go. Balls were a tradition in Asgard, everyone had to attend.

It was only ten minutes into the tormenting experience and loki already had his head rested on the table, he was squeezing his eyes shut, desperately trying to fall asleep and miss the whole thing. After a while he could feel his eyes become heavy and the music suddenly became a soft murmer, he was slowly falling into sleep.

That was until he heard you giggling from across the room, his ears would be able to recognise your voice anywhere. He lifted his head up desperately searching for you.

He spotted that you were talking with Thor. The two of you were sat together on the floor giggling at something. Loki loved seeing you happy, but knowing that it was his brother who was inspiring your laughter made seeing you both together a bittersweet sight.

You were grateful that Thor was doing what he could to make you more comfortable, it was clear to see that you weren't enjoying the ball at all. Random people kept approaching you and asking about your parents, you had no idea what to say to them. You didn't even know your parents yourself.

After a while you turned away from Thor, searching for Loki to make sure that he was okay, you understood that he could get jealous from time to time especially when it involved you. He was terrified that you would see how kindhearted and special his brother was. Loki was easily replaceable in his mind.

You paused when you realise that he was sitting alone, with his head rested on the table infront of him, you couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving him.

Thor recognised that you would prefer to be with Loki so he gave you a weak smile and nudged your shoulder,

"It looks like he needs you more than me, you are his best friend after all" he said, ushering you to leave.

"Thankyou Thor" you said, quickly making your way over to Loki.

You sat down on the seat opposite Loki and poked your finger into his cheek, making your presence known.

He didn't budge.

"Hey." You whispered, "you okay?" desperately trying to grab his attention, you hated the thought of upsetting him.

He slowly sat back into his chair and tiredly shrugged his shoulders, "I'm fine. I just didn't want to get in the way of you and my brother" he spoke quietly, almost in a whisper.

"What" you exclaimed out of shock, "Loki, you know that you're my best friend, you could never get in the way of anyone"

He gave you a weak smile and turned back to look at his brother who had earned the interest of a group of girls around your age. He was thankful that they didn't swarm around him like they did Thor. Getting the attention of one girl was enough for him, he wouldn't change the relationship that you had both formed for the world. You were his best friend, he wouldn't want anybody else.

"I'm sorry Sage" he mumbled, moving his hand gently on top of yours. "It's just that Thor always seems to take everything that I have, you are the one thing I have that he doesn't and I won't ever be ready to lose you, especially to him"

You squeezed his hand in response, and made sure that nobody was looking your way,

"Come on, let's get out of here, we can practice some more magic together" you say hopefully.

His face lit up with joy and he interlocked his fingers with yours, quickly pulling you up from your chair discretely so nobody noticed that you were leaving.

"Let's go"

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