Chapter 4

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I wanted this chpter to be so much longer! But I haven't uptated you guys in a long time now so here you go. It's not perfect, but in my opinion the best one so far. 

Thanks to all the people who willingly read this chrap lmao. I'm really excited for the next chapter, therefor stay tuned.

Have a nice weekend :)

Word count: 927


After everyone finished their meal Cordelia clears her throat, "Girls, listen please. Today happens to be Friday and as you know on the weekends you can do whatever you want. So I'd like you to inform me if you stay here and if not, please think about what you want to take with you. I see you relaxed, and sober, on Monday. Have fun!"

We all went to our rooms, chatting about our weekend plans. Honestly I don't have any. I'll take whatever comes. I close my door behind me, it was already dark outside, so I decide to change into my pajamas. Nothing special. Just shorts and a black T-shirt. I put my normal clothes on the chair next to the desk and walk towards the window. My eyes wander around and stop at a small building.

It looks like a greenhouse but it's hard to tell because of the darkness. Although there is a little light glowing in the house. Weird. Did someone forget to turn it off? Is someone still working? I know Cordelia is a very busy woman but being in a greenhouse at this time seams very unlikely. Maybe someone else? I decide to go sleeping. Who knows what's coming tomorrow.

I turn the light in my room off and immediately after I hear a quiet knock on the door. I wonder who it is but then I hear a whisper. "Y/N, are you awake. It's me..." I jump out of my bed and open the door. "Misty!" I say, maybe a bit too loud. "Sorry, what are you doing here?" I lower my voice. "Well, I know it can be hard to start at a new place. Especially the beginning can be quiet difficult. So I decided to show you something. A place I really love." I'm speechless. This is amazing. "Only if you want to of course." Misty ads when I don't answer. "W-what, oh yeah. Sure. Sorry, I'm just a little overwhelmed with all your kindness. Positively I mean." embarrassed I look to my feet. Wow, I can't even act like a normal human anymore. I look up again and see Misty rescuing me with the sweetest smile. "Oh, no problem at all." She looks down at me. "Do you want to put on a jacket or something. It's pretty cold outside." I nod and quickly grab a hoodie from the chair. "I'm ready." I smile to the blond girl.

On our way to the stairs I notice something. "Wait Misty, did you say 'outside'?" I stop. "Where are we going?" The blond girl turns around. "Seems like you're gonna find out. Now come on." Still a little confused I follow her downward. "Be careful with the wooden floor. Sometimes its pretty loud." Misty reminds me. "Got it." I whisper back. This is so exciting. I have absolutely no idea where we're going but I don't really care as long I'm with this beautiful angel. She leads me to a door and tries to open it as quiet as possible. "Okay, the hard part is done." Misty sights as soon as we close it behind us. "Now comes the cool part." She winks.

I let out a small "wow" once I turn around and see the wonderful nature all around me. "Where are we Misty? This is incredible!" "It's just the backyard." She smiles and takes my hand. "But we are not there yet. Come on." We haven't even arrived? Where on earth are we going? It cant be more beautiful than this. Misty takes me to a small building which looks like a greenhouse or something. I think it was the one I saw outside of my window. We step inside and I take back everything I just thought. This is like heaven.

Everywhere are fairy lights which make the room glow in a warm tone. The plans make you feel like you are still outside and through the ceiling made out of glass we can see the stars and the moon. The cold air is all around us but it's not freezing. I walk across the room, still blown away by this location. "I hope you like it." I hear Mistys voice from the other side of the room. "Are you kidding me? This is literally the most lovely thing I've ever seen." I look directly into her beautiful blue eyes. "But why Misty? Why are you doing all of these things? Why are you so nice to me?" I ask more serious. She looks to her feet. "I'm just- I know what it feels like to be the new one. To know no one. To have no one." She comes one step close and our eyes meet. "And I don't don't want that for you. Sure, we don't really know each other, but I really like you Y/N." I don't know how to react, so I just close the distance between us and give her a tight hug. I'd really like to kiss those lips but for this moment it just doesn't feel right. I don't want to scare her away. "Thank you." I whisper into the golden locks. "Thank you so much Misty." 

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