Chapter 8

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Elena and Caroline were heading to the Mikaelson manor with the kids. Elena was standing at the door rocking Henrick who wouldn;t be quiet if she had layed him in the carseat."I quit." She was scared she didn't know how she was supposed to talk to him now. Now knowing that everything could have been different if she had waited in Mystic Falls, if she had waited for him to come back.

Caroline set the two carseats down that Had Annabeth and Nathan in them. Grabbing ahold of her best friends shoulder and forcing her to look at her. Elena had always been the one that was sure of herself and Caroline had always been the one that needed the extra confidence now it was the other way around. And she was determined to see it through."No we have to do this if not for us for them. This is not the time to quit it is the time to finally get what we wished for 2 years ago before we left this god awful town. Everything we did was for them. Now i think they deserve to meet there fathers even if they are assholes. We do this for our kids and not for us."

Elena nodded Caroline was right She knew that but she was scared it was her kids future at stake. She was scared that if she stayed thatit would put her babies at risk. That this would put them in more danger but it could also help them a lot it could help them a lot. Having them as a support system was going to help them a lot. But it didn't do anything for the fact that she was still scared to face him after finding out the truth."I-"

Caroline took a breath she knew exactly how to get Elena to agree."No we've always say we do this together but you've done everything you worked the job you got the money to provide for us you saved everyone. Its time for you to finally stop doing the orders stop thinking because your going to just end up talking yourself out of being here. As there mothers we have to do what is best for them and right now thats being with there family no matter how much we despise them or hate them or want to stick a knife in them." She smiled seeing the look on Elena's face change from scared to smiling and laughing.

Elena nodded smiling Caroline was right they had to do this for there kids."I hate you."

"I love you too. You ready." Caroline removed her hands from Elena's shoulders. As much as she wanted to go in she herself was scared of walking into the house, but they had to do it. For there kids future they were no longer in this alone and she just had to get used to that.

Elena nodded she turned to the door and knocked on it."Its now or never." They were there and they had to do this. For there kids and for any potential futures.

Freya came and opened the door not expecting the two to be at the door. She thought it would have took them a few more days to come by with the kids."Well your earlier then expected."

"Can we come in?" Elena asked her voice was shaking but she tried to keep it strong.

"Oh yeah come in." Freya stepped asside for the two as Elena grabbed Annabeth's carseat and Caroline grabbed Nathan's. They walked in seeing Hayley playing with Hope. Caroline took Nathan out his carseat.

It was time that Nathan finally met his little sister."Hayley?"

The brunette wolf turned to face the two she smiled she was happy that they had decided to come over with the kids.It was good to see them."I thought it would take a week for you to bring them over,"

"I'm very good at getting her to do stuff sometimes." Caroline smiled walking over to Hayley as Elena got Henrick and Annabeth sat down."So at least Hope has an older brother that will protect her that is good news."

Hayley nodded she was happy that Klaus had a son who was older then Hope. That meant that Hope was always going to have someone who would be looking out for her."Well Hope is going to have a great experience growing up."

"Yes she is."

Freya walked over to Elena she knew that her brothers weren't there at the moment but that he wouldn't mind Elena being in his room.."Kol will be back soon him and Klaus went to go and do something but thye will be back soon but you can go up there if you want."

"Thanks." It wasn't going to be easy but this was what she had always wanted them to have there father in their life.

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