Chapter 9

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Kol and Klaus walked into the house they stopped when they seen Caroline and Hayley sitting on the floor playing with Nathan and Hope. They were both surprised to see her there they didn't think they would get to see the kids anytime soon."I never thought i would see these two peaceful."

Caroline stood up glarring at Kol. She always found him and his stupid comments irritated and just wished that he would stop. But she also knew that was one of the things that her best friend liked about him. That he could always find humor in the worst moments."Really i have nothing against Hayley she is quite the aly." She liked Hayley and her son deserved to know his little sister and she had no intentions of keeping them away from each other ever again.

Kol smirked since he now knew that Hayley had been helping the two a lot of things were starting to make sense."Yeah i heard."

Caroline dropped her glare and huffed she didn't have time to argue with him right now. Elena was waiting upstairs and considering she had made her come she wouldn't keep him down here."Elena's in your room with Henrick and Annabeth if you hurt my best friend again you'll wish to god he never took that dagger out of you them years ago." Unbeknowist to most she actually like Elena and Kol together and she wanted them to get back together but she hoped to god that he wouldn't mess it up.

"To be continued." Kol flashed upstairs leaving them he wanted to see Elena more than he wanted to argue with Caroline,

"You really do hate him?" Freya chuckled she had never see someone threaten her brother like that.

Caroline shook her head and sat back down next to her son. She didn't hate him she just didn't want him to hurt her best friend she never wanted to see Elena like that again."Not really i just like getting on his nerves i vouched for him today so if he hurts my best friend i will kill him."

"Vouched for him" Freya asked she was very confused about what she was talking about.

"Kol may be an asshole and i may have hated him when they were together but i was in the same boat as her except no one cared what i did they cared what she did who she dated they acted as if she was incapable of protecting herself and she can protect herself." She liked that he didn't  trreat her best friend like she was less then herself. That he let her still be her own person but protected her if she was in danger."She's protected me the last two years but when they were dating he wasn't someone that was not letting her make her own decisions. Unless she was trying to put herself in danger which she also has done."

"Your crazy!" Hayley chuckled she found it funny but she understood where Caroline was coming from.

Caroline shrugged it wasn't a surprise that she was crazy."I know that already. But have you met my best friend if y'all don't get rid of Dahlia i am telling you that she will." She was certian that her best friend was already planning something.
Elena was laying on the bed starring up at the ceiling Annabeth and Henrick were sitting besides her playing. She was doing it now everything was about to change she was no longer alone in this. She wanted to try again she had missed him and there was no doubt in her mind that she was still in love with him. She wanted them to be a family like she had dreamed of 2 years ago before everything had changed.

She sat up as Kol walked in clearly surprised to see them."Didn't think you ever come here?" He was happy to hear that she had came with them he really wanted to meet his kids but more than anything he wanted her back. It wasn't easy getting her to fall for him and he hated how he had made her feel.

She shrugged smiling lightly she was happy he had came before she changed her mind and decided to leave."Neither did I but i think we need a new start and i can't hold a grudge forever they deserve to know you. Your there father and nothing will ever change that."

"I thought you didn't want me around them?" He knew that she was scared and worried and watchcing the moves that she made.

She chuckled lightly she didn want them to know there father no matter what happens between the two of them."I didn't say that i said that i didn't want you around if you didn't want to be around."

He went and sat next to her looking back at Henrick and Annabeth. They looked so much like the two of them he had never thought that he would get a chance to be a father but he was happy that he was getting this chance."I would have never done that to you Elena."

"I was scared that you did?" She remembered how scared she had been when she thought that he had left her that he had just been using her it really hurt and damaged her self esteem."People looked at me with pitty like they knew it was going to happen."

"I had a bad reputation i didn't know how i was supposed to say goodbye so i didn't." He had been scared to say goodbye to the girl he loved the most he didn't know how long he would have been gone and tell her that he had to go so he thought that it would be easier just not saying goodbye.

She took a breath they were being open so she had to tell him how she really felt. And how it had hurt her,"It hurt it really did i thought that you had just up and left and had no intentions of coming back and that hurt i thought that you had just used me and i was stuck with two kids and watching out for my best friend she didn't know what to do. As soon as her test came back positive she was gone and thn i was to. Bonnie put that spell on me and didn't even tell me. It would have been different if i knew where it came from but i didn't. I didn't know nothing but you weren't here i had no idea where you were until Caroline told me that you were probably in New Orleans with your siblings."

He had never wanted to make her feel that way. Like that he would do that to her but he couldn't be mad it was well deserved she didn't understand what had happened or why he had left."I never wanted to do that to you but i didn't have much of a choicie. I love you Elena i always have and i always will and nothing is ever going to change that. I want to try and make us work will you give me another chance."

She was happy that he still loved her and that he wanted to try and make them work because she wanted the same thing."I love you i always have and it really hurt thinking you did that. I want to try this again but we have to learn to communicate its not like how it was 2 years ago. We have two kids now and they need us to protect them. There in danger and i'm not letting that woman get my kids."

"I'm not either." He would never let Dahlia touch either one of them he would get himself killed before he let that happened and he knew that Elena would do the same and he was prepared for it.

"Good." Elena smiled they both looked at Annabeth and Henrick who were playing they had no idea what had just happened or that their whole lives were about to change.

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