Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Ali had never seen Rumlow so excited in the years she had known him from training. He ran around the camp, overseeing the team as they packed up guns, knives, and other tactical weapons. Barking orders in both Russian and English, Ali could hear him even as she sat in her tent. Turning over her pistol in her hands, she ran over the plan in her head. She had revealed Bucky's location to HYDRA, and was now leading them straight to him and his friends. "Get up girl!" a voice broke her thoughts, and she scrambled out of the tent, with one fleeting glance around the tent, the one she hoped to never see again.

It was a silent march across the field, with Rumlow in the lead, as he dragged Ali by the arm. There were about twenty men marching behind them, all heavily armed. Ali had a growing feeling of dread as she thought about the confrontation to come. She didn't like the idea of attacking Bucky, even though he claimed to know what he was doing. "Is this where we are going?" asked Rumlow, "How do you know he is here?" Quickly, trying to come up with a reason, Ali stuttered, "I saw something moving up on the roof of this building yesterday, and I think it's him." Rumlow grunted, and with a low growl in Russian the rest of the team took their formation.

"Go in first," Rumlow barked at Ali, and she took her place at the front of the group. Pistol raised, Ali knocked down the door, looking into the supposedly empty warehouse, waiting for Bucky to continue the plan. Instead, she felt a sharp tug on her neck, pulling her backwards. "Барнс, выходи сейчас с протянутыми руками, или, клянусь, я пристрелю девушку! Barnes, come out now with your hands out or I swear I'll shoot the girl!" Rumlow dragged Ali into the center of the room, the barrel of his P226 pressed to her temple. "Don't do it! I'm fine!" Ali called out, surprised at how shaky her voice sounded.

But instead, she saw the shadow of Bucky walk into the center of the room, dropping his weapons on the ground. "It's alright, Ali, I'm okay", Bucky turned his attention to Rumlow, raising his hands up. "Take me, just don't hurt the girl." Rumlow signaled the men, who immediately grabbed Bucky and tied him up. Throwing Ali to another agent, he raised his hand to his ear and muttered in Russian. Within another ten seconds, the big door opened again, and the most unlikely pair came in the door.

Strucker, with Zemo at his side, strode into the room with an evil look on his scarred face. Zemo fell into line next to Rumlow as Strucker stepped into the light. "You fool girl", he sneered, as Ali fought against the two agents who held her to the ground. "How naive you are. A fool, just like your parents. They too couldn't see what was truly important." Ali stopped at this. "Liar! My parents were brave! And they died bravely too!" Strucker laughed a very sinister laugh that made Ali's blood run cold.

"You know not of your parents. They died because of you, child!" Ali fell silent, but Strucker continued, "You were at a genetic advantage, and HYDRA required you as an asset. Your parents were fools to refuse the requests of HYDRA!" Strucker spat, "So we came for you, and your little boyfriend finished them off personally." Ali stayed quiet, her insides shaking. Before she could recover and come up with something to say, Strucker bent in front of her.

"Listen here girl.", he growled, pulling a small combat knife under Ali's chin. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Bucky fighting the men holding him. "If you don't cooperate here, and help me kill this man, you will go out the way your parents did." Despite her quaking insides, Ali felt her parents' courage inside of her, "I will never help you, never again," she said through gritted teeth. In one motion, Strucker slapped her clear across the face, and slit her cheek with the knife.

Bucky started yelling and straining all at once. "You! Don't you dare touch her!" Strucker turned his attention over to Bucky. "Ahh Mr. Barnes, we meet again." Bucky shot a look of pure malice at Strucker, all the years of hate building up in his face. "How nice of you to come for Ali, and pay the price alongside her." Slyly, Strucker reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the same red notebook that Ali had seen in the folder. "Tell me Barnes," Strucker continued, rifling the pages, "Have you told your little girlfriend about some certain... poems?" Bucky went pale and froze for a moment. He looked over at Ali, a face full of pain and remorse. The two of them had a conversation through only their eyes. "It's okay, I know" said Ali in her mind, "But I don't want to hurt you", thought Bucky, knowing fully what the consequences of this would be.

"Тоска, Longing" Strucker's voice rang out in the warehouse. "Ржавая, печь, rusted, furnace" Bucky strained, and the men hurried to hold him down. "рассвет, семнадцать, daybreak, seventeen" Ali saw a flash of red and blue coming from the rafters but thought nothing of it, focusing her attention on Bucky. "доброкачественный, девять, benign, nine", One of the men dropped Ali's arm, to go hold down Bucky. "Возвращение домой, один Homecoming, one". With one final struggle, Bucky threw the men off of him and lunged for Strucker. "Грузовой вагон Freight car", Bucky fell still at Strucker's feet. 

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