Miss Williams

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Miss Williams was quite an ordinary teacher. She had brown, wavey hair that was slightly past her shoulders and she wore thin glasses that she thought made her look hot. She usually wore a white shirt a pencil skirt and thighs to work with her hair down but she kept a hairband on her wrist incase she could go into the science lab.

Science was miss Williams favourite subject, she loved it so much. But she didn't tell anyone about her love of the subject incase they thought of her as a geek. She was Not a geek, she was a sophisticated lady who liked to be in charge.

At school
Break time had finnally arrived and miss Williams started on her way to the year 7 playground. Her highheels clacked against the floor of the year 9 corridor she checked her watch and realized she was late. She started walking faster and broke into a small jog when suddenly..... She crashed straight into something. No somone! She opened her eyes too she that She had walked straight into.... Mr home himself, he held out a hand to help her off the floor. Blushing miss Williams took his hand and he pulled her up. "I am so sorry" she apologized,
"OH NO" he said supprized "Im sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!!!"
She smiled and she smiled back
"I have to go, sorry" she told him, and speed walked down the corridor.

Once out in the play ground she stared at the young year 7s. "BE QUIET" she shouted,
"And touch your shirts in!". She saw two students laughing at the front of their line.
Two students from 7abc (the tutor group name) "you two stop laughing!" She told them, she had met one of the students before, their name was Felix HW and they had met because Felix had dyed their hair red when they weren't allowed to. The other student she had seen hanging out with Felix before she didn't know the name of the student tho. "Don't make me keep your in later." She said, and ushered them away.

Eventually when she Finnished dismissing them all, miss Williams decided to go to her favourite place...

AN/ Come back for the next book titled
"The science room" for a great twist and turn

Ps. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes in here I am suffering greatly with dyslexia and somthimes autocorrect fails me :(

miss Williams go into her homeWhere stories live. Discover now