a hole in the table?

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In the classroom

Mr home held Mrs Williams hips and squeezed Mrs Williams big juicy teacher ass and kissed her gently on the lips. Suddenly he spotted something on the table near him, a white bubbling flask labeled as true love sauce, he picked it up and gulped it down fast. Mrs Williams saw what it said and blushed so hard she looked like an adorable anime girl "m-m-m-mr H-h-home that's so sweet of you UwU" Mr home started blushing even harder "anything for you my sweet little munchkin pie"

He pulled her up onto the table and took her shirt off to see her mummy milkers and takes her skirt off and...they do it. But halfway through it Mr home tells Mrs Williams that he's going to cum. "UwU I l-l-love you so much" Mrs Williams moans loud. Suddenly Mr homes long, handsome chimney (dixk) starts squirting out acid cum and Mrs Williams is so surprised she falls off felix and Eli's table. Mr home acid cum goes onto the table and leaves two white holes.

Mr feet suddenly burst through the door
"I-i-i-i can't believe you would do this to me!!" He shouts and then bursts into tears and collapses onto the floor in his pain. "I thought you loved me" he was so broken by this that his tears streamed down his face and his eyeliner, that he had put on a couple minutes before because he wanted to look good for Mrs Williams, ran down his face so he looked depressed and emo.

"m-m-m-mr feet UwU i-i-i whyre you here?! I DO LOVE YOU COME OVER HERE!!" She said as tears started streaming down her face too. Mr home looking confused said "my dear little cutie pie please tell me what is going on" with a worried look on his face

"Come over here UwU" said Mrs Williams in the cutest voice she could.
Mr feet sheepishly walked over sheepishly.
Mrs Williams threw herself onto him and kissed him voilently adding her adorable long wet tongue.mr home joined in and they continued fuckimg on the table.

miss Williams go into her homeWhere stories live. Discover now