Chapter 1

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HERROO ALL. I suddenly had an idea for a fanfic so I had to write it. x3.



Also, Melsui helped me come up with some ideas, and she also proof read my chapters.. SO PLEASE READ SOME OF HER STORIES~


Hello. I am a teddy bear. I have no name, no identity.

My creator was a woman named Karura. She was pregnant, and made me while she was in a place called the hospital. When she gave birth to a tiny little red haired boy, she named him Gaara, and vowed to always protect him. She gave me to the little baby, who held me in his tiny hands as his mother slowly died.

~Timeskip: a few years later~

I realised I had a small consiousness. My master Gaara, now 4 years old, currently had me in his arms as he cowered before the other children, who were throwing rocks at him and calling him a  "monster". I want to kill them all for attacking my master.

Gaara's sand flew towards the children injuring some of them, and making them run away while screaming. Depressed, he slowly made his way home, where he tried and fail to suicide, due to the sand protecting him. I was lying on the floor, forgotten.

Yashamaru came in, and seeing what Gaara had tried to do, he cheered him up by teaching him about love and his mother. Reflecting on what he had done, Gaara picked me up and took some medicine to the children's houses.

He was rejected of course, and  in anger, he started wondering why this was happening to him, and only him. As he sat, a ninja came up behind him and started to attack him. His mother's sand protected him but the attack made Gaara even more angry. Before killing the ninja, he threw me aside and took off the nina's mask, revealing Yashamaru.

Gaara started going crazy from the loneliness and the anger. His sand carved the "love" kanji onto his forehead. Seeing my master in such pain made a weird change in me. My dull emotions started to peak, making the pain that I felt for my master become unbearable.  My body started to burn and distort.

My master abandoned me, and walked away.

That night, I writhed in agony while my body and emotions changed. When the pain finally subsided, I stumbled around until I came to a small lake. Looking into the water, I realised that I had transformed into a human girl.

"What..." I whispered, in a little voice that sounded like a wind charm. "How can this be... I'm just a teddy bear....".

I looked at my reflection. My long hair was a gentle, chocolate brown: the same hue as my old teddy form. It framed my heart shaped face, and fell into my eyes. I also had large purple and violet coloured eyes, framed with long eyelashes. (A/N: for picture reference.. um.. just look at the cover picture, and imagine a younger version o3o sorry I fail at finding pictures...). I also looked to be around my master's age..

'Master.... He abandoned me... ' As this thought ran through my mind, I kept feeling something sharp stabbing my chest, but there was no blood.

I sat by the lake for hours, accepting the fact that Maste-....Gaara... did not want me anymore. I decided that since I was discarded, I would get out of Gaara's sight. Thinking about my choices, I started to practise walking, running and talking; all the skills that I will need to live as a human.

As the sun started to rise, I got up and sneaked into the sand village. I grabbed some of the laundry from a nearby house and clumsily dressed myself. I was now wearing a plain, white dress that had no sleeves and reached just under my knees.

I then took one last look at Sunagakure, before turning and running out of the gates, looking for another village that might accept me. I will probably never see Gaara again.

Even though I still love him.

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