Chapter 2

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The heat bailed down on me as I ran for my life. A huge wolf, its nostrils flaring for its prey, crashed through the forest to catch me. My white dress was torn and stained with mud, and my hair was thrown all over my face, which was also covered in dirt. I was nearing Konohagakure, but I didn't know if my stamina was enough to keep running from my predator.

Just as I was about to give up hope, the large gates of the Village Hidden in the Leaves loomed up in front of me. My vision started to waver and before I blacked out, I heard two people running up to me.

I woke up in a heavily guarded white hospital room. There were ninja's surrounding me and as soon as they saw that I was conscious, they bombarded me with questions about how I got to Konoha.

"Um... Who are you people?" I whispered in my airy, wind charm-like voice while peering over my blankets to look at their faces. Letting their guards down, they explained to me that two ninjas called Kotetsu and Izumo found me at the gate and took me to the hospital.

"Please take me to your hokage. I wish to speak to him." I requested timidly. Two of the ninjas came up to me and helped me up, leading me out of the hospital and to a tall tower which I assumed was where the Hokage was.

We reached a door, and the two ninjas pushed me in as an old man sitting in a chair looked up.

"My, what brings you here, little girl?" The Hokage said, eyes crinkling as he smiled at me.

"I need a place to stay." I replied in a soft voice.

"Hmm.." The Hokage considered this. "What is your name? Why do you need a place to stay? What village were you born in?"

I paused before answering. "I came from Sunagakure. I was abandoned. I have no name, and no identity, so there is no use trying to find information about me." I whispered in reply.

The Hokage's smile turned into a frown as he considered this information. Then his expression turned into one of sympathy. "If you have no name, then how about you think of one for yourself?" He suggested in a kind tone.

'Hmm. It might be easier for me to have a name...' I thought to myself. 'I am unwanted by my master, so it is only right to refer to myself as Iranai.....' (A/N: Iranai means unwanted in Japanese x3).

"My name will be Iranai. Ira for short." I told the Hokage. The Hokage paused, sadness flashing through his eyes at the meaning of my name.

"If that is what you wish.. Welcome to Konoha, I will lend you some money for you to rent an apartment and buy provisions until you can supply yourself. The only free apartment is the one down the block, and the only person living there is a person called Naruto Uzumaki. I hope you settle in and get along with him.." The Hokage told  me. "Dismis-"

*Crash sound*

The door flew open, and a little boy waltzed into the room, screaming at the Hokage and immediately tripping over his long scarf. 


As he mentioned the words "teddy bear" I felt a wave of sadness and longing overcome me, and suddenly something in me broke.

Hokage's Pov

As my active little grandson mentioned his teddy bear, I caught a movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over, and saw that it was Ira. Her face was darkened, and her body was limp. Worried for her, I called her name.

The silence went on for a few tense seconds. Then suddenly-

"YO OSSAN OVER THERE HOWS IT GOING?!???! WASSUP?!?!?!!??!" Ira raised her head and screamed at me. "THE MOLES ON YOUR FACE ARE SO FUNNY AHAHAHHAAH HEY CAN I BORROW YOUR HAT?!?!?!??!" she bellowed, her eyes sparkling.


"Um... Ira?? IRA??" I tried to get her attention. As I watched, Ira suddenly jumped, as if she just came out of a trance.

Her face immediately turned red.

"I'M S-S-SORRY! Um.. It seems that the words 'tedd-' umm... You know..." She started.

"The name of the thing.. my grandson here has lost?" I offered.

"Y-Yes.. It seems that it is taboo for me.. I can't tell you why, but I'm sorry for being so rude... I-I'll go to my apartment now..." She turned around.

As I watched the little girl run out of the room, I hoped that she will eventually open up, and that maybe she'll be able to help Naruto as well.

After all, they both think that they are unwanted in this world.

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