How I Start Watching/Knowing Boboiboy

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Boboiboy I watch since I was 5 years old and I still watch then I search Boboiboy in Wattpad and there so many different stories! I tried reading one and I got so active instead of sleepy..

(Even though people laugh at me for watching malay video.. I still don't care about it.. At least got subtitled and I'm happy then I'll continue watching it)

Then it inspired me to write a story. I never thought my mind can think of such good stories, chapters and fixing my english.. When my english is not that great like grammars..

I really love it when I started loving anime. I started loving fictional characters more! But the first fictional character I love is Boboiboy! I stop watching Boboiboy when I was 6 year old cause my sister laughed at me, I was young and give up easily.. But now I'm confident and I won't give up so easily anymore then at 10 years old (2017) I watch Boboiboy again so I can think of a plan to secretly watch without my sister knowing then I watch Boboiboy without sound since I don't need to listen to the malay word but I just read the subtitles.. If there no subtitles I will always just look at the video.. Then I stopped when my birthday is over cause I thought I need to grow up cause is for kids... Then at 12 years old (aka 2019) I continue again cause I miss it so much... But I quit again when is my birthday... And now this year I start watching and reading Wattpad and now I know any age any race can watch Boboiboy

Infact I will never stop watching Boboiboy until it ends I will never forget my favorite childhood movie...


I appreciate the support that have been reading my story... Honestly I never know it will turn out like this, but I've got so interested in reading and writing..

I never thought this will be the year that I will start reading some nice story in Wattpad everybody story that I've read inspired me to write and find my capabilities.

I honest thought I will be sleeping by reading this but turn out it got in my interest and notice that I only sleep in those stories that I really don't like... Any kind of fictional books I don't like.. Except Anime and Boboiboy

Thank you all again 🥺🤧

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