Chapter 22 | Trouble Attack

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Boboiboy walk into his room and saw Reverse sleeping on his bed.

Boboiboy: Ehh? Reverse..

Reverse: Finally, you're back! How your mission?

Boboiboy: It great I guess.

Reverse: Or should you say, it quite icy *giggles*

Boboiboy: As excepted.. *unamused*

Reverse: Hehe

Boboiboy: So boring..

Reverse: You just came in the room. How are you bored already?!

Boboiboy: I don't know, maybe because you're inside the same room as me.

Reverse: Ouch. I'm hurt!

Boboiboy: Haha!

Reverse: So what do y-

Reverse was cut off cause the spaceship suddenly move so fast until Boboiboy hit the desk and Reverse bit the wall.

Boboiboy: What is happening!!

Reverse: My head hurts!!

The spaceship suddenly stop and Boboiboy look outside and saw TEMPER-A Station..

Boboiboy: Ehh? Since when we're at TEMPER-A Station?

Reverse: Beat me *shrugged*

Boboiboy walk out and saw his friends, Amato, Commander and Admiral.

Boboiboy: Commander, what happening?

Commander: TEMPER-A Station is getting attacked by Bora Ra.

Everybody: HUH?! BORA RA?!

Commander: Yes..

Ying: I thought Bora Ra have been defeated by Boboiboy

Commander: Yes, I know but Bora Ra came back and found TEMPER-A Station with upgraded gear..

Yaya: I guess he the only one there, we can fight him

Commander: His gear is more stronger than before and some other new gears.

Boboiboy and his friends gulp and the spaceship made it in TEMPER-A Station, they all walk out from the spaceship and look around the damage that Bora Ra did by himself.

Gopal stayed inside the spaceship with Ochobot and Reverse but Gopal don't know that Reverse is in the spaceship too.

Boboiboy look around until Bora Ra suddenly appear infront of him. Boboiboy eyes widen and Bora Ra grabbed Boboiboy by the neck and the others got shocked.

Bora Ra: Long time no see, Boboiboy *smirks*


Bora Ra look at the shadow tiger that is coming to him and smirks, Bora Ra throw Boboiboy and attack the shadow tiger with his upgraded hammer.

Note: Is the weapon that Bora Ra use in the movie hehe and also Bora Ra upgraded his weapon but still have black hole and the upgraded gear is metal armour :3

The shadow tiger dissapeared and came to attack Fang, Ying, Yaya and Kokoci since they are near eachother.

Boboiboy sit up and saw Bora Ra attacking his friend, his eyes widen up and saw Bora Ra swinging his weapon toward Fang which make Fang eyes widen cause he was expecting it.

Boboiboy stand and run as fast as possible and transform to an element.

Boboiboy: Kuasa Elemental, Boboiboy Halilintar!!

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