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welcome to another one of my train wreck fics <3

this is like my fourth time posting this because it didn't get the love it deserved the first time i uploaded it to wattpad.

this is also available on archives of our own, if that is a more comfortable platform for you then don't think twice about reading this on there. 

though, i must warn you that the layout of each chapter does look much better here on wattpad, since wattpad is better with pictures. 

note: i started this fic around late 2019 but i never got around to posting it with only having the first 2 chapters finished. 

i've edited it to somewhat fit minor canon complicity, but of course, it's a youtube au, so this may be leaning towards more canon divergence. 

warnings, this fic includes the following:

➩ lgbtq+ relationships

➩ explicit language 

➩ mentions of past abusive relationship 

➩ minor mentions of past sexual abuse 

➩ mentions of past underage sex 

➩ eventual angst (considering this is not finished)

➩ slow burn

so besties, if that triggers you in anyway, please do not read this fic. 

this fic is best read on a computer since the format i am using seems to be the most compatible on a computer, but you can still read this on a mobile device as well.

my update schedule is kind of all over the place, since i am still a student and i still have another fanfiction i plan on continuing. but i will try to update as often as possible. im a slow beta reader so it might take a while to get a chapter out.

and last but not least, please do not repost this. i have had problem with 3 other people basically taking my fanfictions and reposting it as my own and in no way do i condone this. if you see anybody reposting this, please let me know. 


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