Fearful Giant - Eyes

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This seems to be getting some attention, so - in the words of the song - "here we go. Put your best face on everybody...." Here is a snipped that's been rattling around - enjoy.

Kaironin stood among the others. He looked to his left and right, seeing the confident looks in their eyes. Very rarely did a Spell Slinger get to accompany the hunting party as there was little reason for them to do so.

This was a special occasion, however, and required a Spell Slinger. What needed to be harvested was essential and perished quickly without the proper attention and technique. It could also only be harvested from one thing - the Vast.

The Vast were a much larger race of people, easily standing at twenty times their own height. They didn't understand language and more often than not made themselves scarce; however, many spell components essential for healing and other necessities came from these creatures.


Kaironin watched as the hunting party began corralling one of the Vast into their set trap. His heart beat heavily in his chest. He couldn't imagine being such a large creature, lumbering about and scavenging for scraps to survive. Part of him pitied the large creatures, dumb and unknowing of the world around them. It wasn't as thought he could simply bring one home to tend to and keep as a pet.

It was then that he heard something. A definite crack of an uprooting tree from the dense forest to his left. His bright sea-foam colored eyes picked up on the most careful and subtle movements creeping through the trees. He squinted before recognizing the kind of creature.

It was another Vast.

The hunting party was too far away at this point to tend to this one and his mentor did say the more the merrier when it came to components. Kaironin took to his components pouch at his side and an arcane flash of dark brown energy swirled around him, launching him into the air as he flew toward the Vast.

The giant took note of the arcane spark and, violet eye wide with terror, began sprinting through the trees in the opposite direction of the hunting party. It's breathing became labored quickly as it ran, attempting to dodge tree branches which scraped at its face and pulled at the fragments of covering on its body. Kaironin had to admit the thrill of the chase was exciting as he easily rolled and sprung around the obstacles the Vast threw his way.

They suddenly found themselves by a sheer cliff that jutted upward from the ground. The Vast, catching its foot on the tree it attempted to grab, stumbled and fell to the ground with an earth shattering thud which echoed among the trees and shook the ground.

Kaironin held himself aloft in the air and began preparing a spell, the crackling energy beginning to form in his hand. One quick hit and the Vast wouldn't experience any pain; however, as Kaironin raised his hands to cast the spell, arcane sigils weaving between his fingers preparing to strike down their set target, something extraordinary happened.

The terrified Vast before him turned, the most terrified look in its - his - eye, and raised his hands defensively in a surrender. His brow and lip quivered as he hunched his body forward, bracing for the spell's impact and the inevitable end. When he raised his hands, there was a glistening to his fingertips. A soft, amethyst light that could only be one thing - magic.

Kaironin was utterly bewildered. The Vast didn't know magic. They didn't understand magic. They didn't even have a language. How could this be? The gigantic form quivered and shook, averting his gaze from Kaironin who began subconsciously descending to have his feet rest against the ground.

Still untouched, the Vast dared to squint open his eye at Kaironin. Their eyes met - sea foam green and violet - and, somehow, each held some form of understanding of what just transpired.

How did this Vast know magic? And could there be more like him? Were they really giant, dumb beasts? Or had they been wrong all this time?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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