Chapter 2: The Quacked Duck

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And here's the second chapter! Sorry it took so long, folks. I lost the motivation to write this after a while. It happens to the best of us, no?
Anyway, let's just see what Porky Pig and, one of my favorite characters, Daffy Duck are up to, shall we?

Warner Bros. Animation Presents
Looney Tunes
A Porky & Daffy Cartoon

Porky & Daffy in...
The Quacked Duck

Written & Directed by udel64

Went Porky Pig's phone. Porky was a stuttering pig who often reacted to people funnier than he is. He was waking up to have a nice day in the park.
He got up from his bed, had himself a big breakfast (10 pancakes, 15 sausages, 7 egg omelet big), brushed his teeth (for a while 'cuz of the big breakfast), took a shower, got dressed, and got on with his merry way.
"Gosh, what a n-n-n-swell day to g-g-go to the park," Porky remarked.
Porky got into his car and then started driving off. The sun glazed his pink skin as he hummed to the tune that the car was playing.

After a few minutes, Porky has arrived the park.
"Ah, today is gonna be a n-nice day," he says as he climbs out the car. Though, that wasn't quite gonna be the case as there was a duck at the park named Daffy Duck who is, well, daffy. And he was looking for someone to torment, and he found the perfect person, or pig, for that. Again.
Porky was just walking down a path when Daffy jumps in from of him.
"Hello there, chum!" Daffy says.
"Oh. Hello there, Daffy," Porky replies. Porky and Daffy known each other for a while, and there vitrolic best buds. At best. (At worst, who needs enemies with friends like these?!)
"So, what's thaking, bacon?" asks Daffy.
"Oh, just wa-wa-wa-strolling through the park."
"Thtrolling, eh? Well, listen. There's a maniac loothe in this chapter. He'll attack you, annoy you, chase you, and worst of all, tickle you."
"G-gosh, who is this horrible maniac?"
Well... that would be me!"says Daffy. "Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!" he woops, bouncing around all over the place. Truly an magnificent sight.
Porky could only look at Daffy in confoundment and moved on.

Down the path, Porky was resting on a bench, resting for a bit where Daffy is planning his next practical joke.
"Thith one's gonna be a real lulu. Woo-hoo!" he says.
Porky, asleep, suddenly hears ringing and shouting.
"Hot dogth! Hot dogth! Come get your hot dogth here!" the man (really Daffy in disguise) screams.
"Oh boy, hot dogs!" Porky says, excited for some more food.
"Umm, excuse sir?" Porky starts.
"Hey, sir! You want a hot dog?" Daffy says.
"Yes. Are they made of pork?..."
"Why, no!"
"Then I'll take one!"
"That'll be $2.99!"
Porky puts the required amount of money on the table. Daffy then gives him the hot dog-disguised dynamite.
And Porky eats it all up.
"G-g-gee, thanks sir!" Porky says.
"Nothing to it!" the disguised duck replies.
Porky walks away from Daffy's view...
and then there's a explosion from where Porky is. He walks back up the to the deranged duck and says, "That h-h-h-frankfurter made my stomach upset." And proceeds to fall over.
"Well that's becauthe I made it!" Daffy says, taking off his disguise. "Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo, WOO-HOO!"

Porky, still miffed from that unfortunate event, continued walking around the park. Daffy was thinking up another prank to pull on Porky in the meantime.
"Hey mithter!" the disguised duck in a salesman outfit says.
"Yes?" Porky replies.
"You want to look cool?" Daffy asks.
"Why ye-ye-yes," Porky says.
"Well, I can sell you this fine leather jacket for only $2.99! It'll increase your thocial thtatuth around the block! You'll be making friendth by the minute! Heck, you can even impress your girlfriend. Rowr-rowr."
The duck saids.
"Wow! Then I'll bu-bu-take it!" Porky exclaims while giving the disguised duck the required money.
"It's been a service serving you." Daffy says.
So then, Porky puts on the jacket, which admittedly, makes him cool as heck. It's a shame it's a part of that askew avian's prank.
"Man, it'th going to be a thhame to do thith to him," Daffy says, taking the right out of my mouth. "But thith is going to be hilariouth" he screams, taking out a single-button remote control and pushing said button.
There was sissling coming from Porky's jacket as there were bombs stitched in it.
"What's that so-so-noise?" Porky questions.
And boom goes Porky.
Porky looked towards the spot he got the jacket from, and sure enough, the disguised duck was there, then he proceeded to rip off his jacket.
'Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!" he went, bouncing away.
"Oooohh, why you little...!" Porky growled under his breath as he proceeded after the delusional duck, thus starting this fanfic's chase scene.

Daffy bounced all around the park as Porky tried to catch up. But Daffy was too fast for him. Finally, Porky got close to the duck, getting closer with each step... only to get a mallet in the head by him.
"Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!" the duck went about.
"D'oh, how am I ca-ca-grab that duck if he's too fa-fa-quick for me?!" Porky pondered.
Just then, he got himself a great idea! And he got to work on it.

"You know, you kinda feel bad for the pig, especially since we're on-and-off friends... but I need my entertainment, you know? Woo-hoo!" Daffy says while walking down the park path. Just then, he saw something that caught his eye.
"Arrg, I got me here all this treasure, but this I already have enough, so I need to give this chest here away," a piggy pirate says, opening said chest to reveal a bunch a gold coins.
"G-g-g-giving... away... treasure...?" Daffy says, getting very excited at the idea.
"WOOOO-HOO!" he screams, zooming on over to the pirate and the treasure.
"Come on, gimme-gimme-gimme!" said the greedy duck.
"Go-go-gotcha!" says Porky, who ball-and-chains Daffy.
"Thay, what'th going here?!" screams Daffy, who's confused as heck.
"It's me, Porky! I disguised myself as a pirate to b-b-ball and chain you. Now I'm gonna put you o-o-down there." says Porky, pointing towards a small pond far from the path he's taking. "And the treasure's a fake."
"NNNOOOOOO!" screams Daffy, who wanted some quick and easy money.

Daffy has been put in small pond far from the path. Porky, now accomplished with himself, whistles away down the path.
"Gee, some people can't take a joke." sulks Daffy. "I sell them for $69, and yet people won't buy them. Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo, WOO-HOO!" goes Daffy with a suddenly brighter mood, taking the ball-and-chain with him.
The End

Looney Tunes
A Warner Bros. Cartoon
Daffy pops out of the drum, saying "Well, thee you later, folkth! Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!

Woo, sorry again this took so long, folks! I really just wasn't feeling the motivation to finish this. And school. But now that I did, I guess I gotta keep this gonna. I really thought this would keep me engaged, but it didn't. Oh well, such is life.
But anyway, the next chapter will be about Sylvester and Tweety Bird. What mischieff will that get into next. Find out in the next chapter!
Anyways, goodbye for now!

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