Chapter 1= A Discovery

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Wendy's POV. Day 83

While the others stay behind and camp, I go out to search for grass, twigs and anything we can use to delay our inevitable death. Roaming the forest just reminds of Home and the Forest surrounding it. Those times were almost as bad as the time I'm having here if I'm being honest to myself. While deep in my thoughts I was startled my some rustling coming from a bush. I point my spear directly at the lone bush waiting for something for something to jump out at me, but instead a black and furry hand reach out for the berries and pull them back into the push. I decide that whatever in there might be intelligent to an extent so I shout "I know your in there! You might as well surrender yourself!" I hear a small yelp coming from the Bush. What looks like a spider jumps out of the Bush and runs but it trips over a big stick. Before it has time to turn around I point my spear at it's eyes. It screams "Please don't hurt us!" I but wait, this thing was alone, but then again this is the Constant, nothing is normal here. I killed many spiders but this one Talked! I snapped out of my confusion and I respond with "How is it possible that you can talk huh?" The creature sheds a tear and says " We thought everybody can do that. Well accept for frogs and birds an-" I cut it off and scream "Excuse me, Did I ask you what other Things could talk!?" The Thing looked at me with fear in it's eyes and it shakes it's head. At this point i'm at my wits end, at any point I would have killed this thing if my curiosity wasn't peaking. Instead I grabbed the things arm and pull the spider humanoid off the ground until it was standing up. And I tie it's hand behind it's back with some ropes and say "If you manage to get your hands untied I won't hesitate to chop your hands off!" The creature was crying its eyes out, it was pleading to be let go but I ignored it's cries and continued towards the campsite.

Couple o' hours later
I'm lazy

It was slowly but surely becoming night. And I set you start a fire before I suffer the same fate as the fallen survivors before us. It was dark now and the only light that illuminated the darkness was the light coming from the camp fire. I stared at the thing as I'm holding my spear close to me, he stares back and at asks to be let go. "No way in hell am I letting you go." It looks down in defeat. The spider boy asks "Can I at least have something to eat" I cave in and say "If I give you some food you have to agree that won't try to escape anymore!" He quickly snaps back with "Anything just please let us eat something" I remember spiders feasting on monster meat and decided to experiment with him. I grabbed some monster meat that I was gonna use to lure spiders in so I could kill them for silk. I walk over to the boy and feed him, he stares at it looks up at me he gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life. He doesn't hesitate to gobble it up, I swear it was 10 seconds before the entire thing was gone. I stared at him amazed "Thank you so much!" He said. I have to admit I smiled a bit, I stopped as soon as I noticed that the sun started rising. I had the spider boy stand up and had him follow me into the horizon.

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