Chapter 21 -The Others

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2024! I'll be honest I wasn't expecting to make it this long. Sooo, phone broke. Went to get it repaired. That's my excuse.
This chapter is more of just entertainment or something. Just to explore The Constant outwards a bit more. If you don't like it, let me know.

Sorry again!

Wes's POV
Day 110

I was relieved to find out that Webber and Wendy were still living and breathing. When we finally made it back to camp, I about just collapsed. All that walking.. I can't begin to describe how much my legs felt like jello. Well, the kids are safe, and I come home to Wigfrid, so I can't complain.

Spring was fast approaching, it was getting warmer. Thank the heavens above. I took my backpack off and pulled out the journals I found at the run down camp where I found Wendy and Webber at. Flipping through the first Journal's pages, I realized this was a journal belonging to another person, perhaps these belonged to those skeletons, god rest their souls. Out of curiosity, I began reading to try and figure out what happened


Winslow's Journal
Day 201

Its been forever since I've seen people besides the ones in my group, alive atleast. I barely remember what home looks like, this place has changed me, but not a lot. I still have my habit of screaming randomly, but now it's mostly screaming because of approaching spiders. Ghastly little beasts of burden.

Waelyn made nuggets and honey dip tonight, sweet girl she is. I love her so much. Ever since she found me wandering the forest, we've loved each other. How could I not though? It was my first night here in this hell hole when she found me. A light in the dark, a real angel. She always finds a way to light up my world, and for that I thank her.

Whilst in the middle of eating those absolutely heavenly nuggets, Warren had tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and he had told me that that he had something to show me. He hauled a box over to me. I honestly thought it was going to be a treasure beyond comprehension, but when he opened the box a spider jumped at me. My screams were heard by Warwick, the campsite grandpa. I swear Warren has barely scratched the surface of being an adult.

After Warwick had bested the ugly creature, he lectured Warren, giving me time to slink away. I decided writing the events that have transpired would help. Wait, I hear something.

Evening 201

Those hounds! Those hounds came back again. They got me good, I'll admit that. I lost my eyepatch back there, worst pain I've felt in a long time. Part of my arm is missing. I think I'm bleeding out, everybody, if you find my Journal, I love you all. You've been amazing, thanks for being the folk I can call my family.

Wes's POV
Day 110

Well that was abrupt. There was other writing, but the other pages are soaked in blood, the writing was ineligible. What I got is that a man named Winslow had died, that must've been the skeleton with the eyepatch and chewed up arm. Right now all thats left is Waelyn, Warren, and Warwick.
I put aside Winslow's Journal and picked up one who's cover read 'Property of Warwick Miller.' I opened it and began to read.

Warwick's Journal
Day 323

I've been in this place for a while, I have seen the fall of many groups, and the deaths of many friends. What the hounds did to Winslow wad barbaric. May the afterlife bring him greener pastures. It has been a week since the incident, Waelyn has cried for half of it, she loved him dearly. Warren has been affected by his death the most, it's heart wrenching to see. Warren's usually smiling and full of life. He has confessed that he saw Winslow as an older brother. I can't lie, I have felt a similar connection, Winslow was like a son to me. May his soul be at rest finally.

It has been a month, we've accepted our loss but are still heart broken. I imagine it's hard for Waelyn to have lost her love. When mine had died, I never got over it, I still leave bouquets of flowers I collected at her grave. They've been looking to me for leadership, and I'll guide them the best I can, these kind but lost souls deserve the best. We've buried him in the spot he shares his first kiss with Waelyn, an old birch tree next to the ocean.

Day 374

Those pigs! They had attacked us! They had sent their warriors to try and drive us out. Waelyn was the first to rise to arms. I grabbed my spear, and Warren grabbed his club. During the tussle, one of the devils had struck Waelyn in the head. She has perished. Warren, having lost who I have observed and assumed to be his mother figure, went into a rage. I didn't have to do anything, the young man just slaughtered them all. I could see fury blazing in his eyes, but tears streaming down his face as well. He later told me that he had found their village and burnt it down. There weren't any survivors. I assured him that I would live, and always be there for him. But he doesn't know I have taken some shots too, the pigs have hit me quite hard.

A month after the girls death, my body has grown weak. Im old, and my illness and proneness to other sicknesses isn't helping me. I fear this may be the last I write, I struggle to move my hands. After telling Warren that he'll have to survive on his own, I could see the defeat in his eyes. His skin went paler than the winter. My last gift to him was a scarf that had been passed down in my family for many generations, and with this, and my faith in Warren, I leave this world with happiness. I shall see Winslow and Waelyn soon.

Wes's POV
Evening 110

Damn, so judging by what Winslow said about Warren, I'm guessing he is around 18 or 19. I was going to read Waelyn's Journal, but just like Winslow's Journal, the pages were covered in blood. Gruesome fates always seem to find those who live here huh? I take the 4th journal out, it looks to be Warren's. I open it and begin reading.

Warren's Journal
Night 278

I lost everybody, it happened in what feels like such little time. I have just started documenting this, the cold of winter is beating down at my skin, my ears ring. It's getting harder and harder to find reliable food supplies, and the winds are picking up, making it harder to keep a fire up and burning. I can feel the frostbite slowly settle into my body, it's agonizing. Well, this ain't looking to good for me.

Crud, this isn't good. All the food is gone, rabbits have learned to avoid this place. I guess this is it, it's gonna be how I die. Nope, I won't starve, I won't go out like that. Not by choice, but because the nearby spider horde is right outside my tent. Well, I'll remember and keep in mind what Warwick told me. "Don't go down without a fight." To whoever finds this, try to avoid our mistakes. Catch you later.

Wes's POV
Night 110

That explains the bite marks. Wow, it goes to show this place spares nobody. They all seemed so close.. The Warwick guy mentioned the family stuff, reminds me off the others. I could lose them so easily, and yet they continue to live on. Thank the heavens.

Wigfrid's POV
Night 110

Wes emerged from that dark cabin, about time. I was waiting for what felt like forever, maybe I'm being dramatic. Wendy and Webber sat next to me, I guess that trip had an effect, not sure what it could be though. We all stood up as Wes approached. He looked more down than usual. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, but he ran into us all and started hugging us. We were all silent to say the least. It was sudden, but warmer than the fire. None of us complained, I wonder what could have inspired him to do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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