Part 1 Mister Nice Car

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I wake up in a ditch naked. 

My legs hurt and my hands are sticky. Spice up your life is plays in the distance.

 I love that song. 

I decide to lay in the ditch for a little bit while I wait for the song to finish. I need to recollect myself and for all I know all my bones could be broken. When the song ends I slowly sit up and look around. Whatever I was on is wearing off and I don't have enough energy to freak out right now.

"Damn...This is not a good time."

I stand up then sit back down because where the fuck am I gonna go with out any clothes on.

I see buildings. I can't stay here forever so I swallow my pride and begin to walk towards the lights. 

"How dare those over glorified white boys let this happen to me. After everything I've done for them. After I jumped that one girl that cheated on Matt, After I gave Nash that brilliant vine idea all those years ago. Thats right you can call me green beans was MY IDEA! After Cam confessed his love for me that time he saved me when I was kidnapped by One Direction. I'm hiring someone to shit in all of their closets!"

 I would do it myself but it's not a good idea to leave my DNA behind. I'm not sure but I think that could be considered a crime and honestly I don't think I have that much shit in me.

I hear and see a car coming behind me. 

At this point I'm kind of living for this nudist moment that I'm having and I got a hot bod so I am no longer worried about that.

The car begins to slow down and I stop walking. The car pulls up next to me. It's a nice car. 

"Estas bien!"

Oh yea, I'm in Spain.


The driver motions for me to get in the car. Very much not a good idea, but I do it anyway because Pretty Woman, and I've got nothing to lose.

I tell him I'm not a prostitute and he tells me he doesn't speak English. 

Prostitute in Spanish is Prostituta. It's. getting. weird.

"where are we going?"

 I ask him.

"To the moon Alice the goon palace!" 

he replies 

(Rich Sex 2:44)

I can trust him. He's a barb.

We ride in silence for a few minutes. Then we arrive at a house. He gets out of the car.


 Is all he says before he walks up the driveway and into the house.


I say after I see him enter the house.

Theres a hoodie in the trunk. I put it on and decide to continue my search for wardrobe in the house because I hate this color on me. 

It's dead silent in the house. I have no idea where the guy went. I go upstairs and find a bed room. I look in the closet and the first thing I see is a vintage Anna Sui look. Lucky Me :D

Camp Af just the way I like it

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Camp Af just the way I like it.

I go back down stairs and realize that I'm starving.

Well as long as I'm stealing I might as well get something to eat. 

I grab some goldfish out of the pantry. They stick to my hands. I brush the goldfish back into the bag. That's someone else's problem now. 

My hands are still sticky from my mystery adventure pre ditch, and I don't even want to know why. 

When I open the sink faucet the fridge opens. Ok.

I finish washing my hands and head over to the fridge. As I get closer to the door It sounds like there are people talking in there. 

Must be the drugs.

When I reach the door I don't see food. Instead I find a staircase, and I can clearly hear people talking. 

Now. If I was white I would follow these stairs and probably end up died, but I'm not white so if I were in my right mind I would mind my business.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I walk through a pretty curtain to find Mister nice car and about 7 other people kiking. 


Now I'm dancing to 2 of hearts by Stacey Q. As I should. 

Mister nice car is actually hot as fuck and this purple lighting is doing. him. justice. 

We boogie together under the violet lights my chocolate pudding colored orbs actually don't meet his because I'm so tired I can barley keep them open. He hands me a pill. I usually don't take pills from strangers.

I dry swallow the pill and keep dancing. Now I feel like I'm at a carnival and I forgot to put sunscreen on. 

"What's your name?" 

I ask mister nice car.

"I'll tell you if you dance for me."

"I thought you couldn't speak English."

"I don't speak English."

Its. Getting. Weird. 

He walks away leaving me dancing by myself. I am the dancing queen.

All of a sudden the sexiest song of all time starts playing. Let's dance by Miley Cyrus.

I do a really sexy dance and everyone is so impressed, and the mean girl is mad. Mister nice car tells me his name is Aron.



I rush out of the house and steal Aron's car. 

Sorry Aron but I gotta get back to the boys. Yes I am mad at them but they are my only family since my mother sold me to them all those years ago. 

I gas it. Zooming into the streets of Spain. I'm tripping balls. I have no idea where I'm going, And now I'm a fugitive. 

Real hot girl shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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