CHAPTER 50- Apart

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It's been five years without her. Five years without seeing her beautiful face. Five years without her warm embrace.

It's been five years since that I made that decision of leaving the life that's too good to be true. She was too perfect for me that I had to let her go because I'm afraid that I might break her or hurt her.

Well, I already did.

She suffered the consequences of being with me. And until now it's still a hard pill to swallow. Often of times, I would sit on the tree near the pond at night, thinking what could've been if I hadn't met her, or if our paths had never crossed. I would've been miserable until today, and yet I find myself in that same disposition 'cause she's not here beside me.

Her quiet cries at night and her dull eyes still haunt me in my sleep. I still can't wrap my finger around the fact that I hurt the one I love the most. Being with her is like heaven to me, but I made it hell for her.

I think the closest I have that reminds me of her is Neverland. She built my safe haven and made this boring ranch into something that I would want to come home to every night. Her plans and bright ideas made the totality of what Neverland is today.

Even if it hurts me to pull out of our agreement, I had to if I want to save her from any more distress. Building this land from the ground up is too tedious and stressful it might take a toll on her health even more.

But when I found a firm that can continue her work, I made sure that her style and ideas are still there, just so I can keep a piece of memory of her that I can look at every day when I wake up.

Neverland is my home, just like Peter Pan. It's a place of fantasy and magic any kid would want to be. Peter Pan brought Wendy and her siblings to Neverland to discover its wonders. I brought Mia into my world without knowing the consequences it will hold.

As I stare at the boy's Peter Pan stuffed toy, I see my own story unfold, just as bittersweet as Peter Pan and Wendy's.

"Michael," a voice spoke that snapped me out of my trance. Flashing lights and quiet murmurs filled the room as several eyes are already looking at me. When I realized what had happened, I saw the little boy also staring at me with curious eyes, patiently waiting for an explanation for my sudden daze.

"I'm sorry kid. I just loved your toy right here" I pointed at the stuffed toy lying beside him.

"Do you want to have it?" he innocently asked but I just quietly chuckled.

"No, no," I politely declined and pointed at the staff for the bag of gifts that I carried with me. I took one box out and handed it to him.

"Here, so Peter Pan won't be alone," as he opens his gift, his eyes widened in excitement as he pulls out the Wendy stuffed toy.

"Oh geez! Thanks, Michael!" he said and jumped out of his bed to hug me. My heart warmed up immediately with his embrace, which kind of reminded me how Mia hugs me dearly.

"No problem. Just take good care of them both okay?" I said and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Mike, we have to go. You still have rehearsals for the inauguration concert," Bill told me over my shoulders and bid my goodbyes to this boy and the rest of the kids in the room. They happily waved their hands as they said thank you in a chorus that made me leap with joy.

The security including Bill went out first to escort our team outside. The hallways are packed with different doctors and nurses and even a plethora of videographers and paparazzi.

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