CHAPTER 36- Fear

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(Trigger warning: This chapter contains a sensitive topic of abuse and maltreatment that may be uncomfortable for you to read. If you wish to skip this chapter, feel free to do so.)


"Secret lover and Michael Jackson, already dating?"

"Singer Michael Jackson called off his engagement with Brooke Shields for the secret lover?"

"What's the real catch? and who is this mysterious girl?"

Those are just some of the headlines plastered all over countless newspapers, magazines, and even on the entertainment segment of the television news for over a month. It didn't affect me that much because I like to laugh at them when they got the wrong identity, and surprisingly, it wasn't a big of a deal as I thought it would be.

Jaz and Ace are the two people who knew my relationship with Michael, at least on my end. My mother still doesn't know however, Auntie Mary has an idea that I'm in a relationship but she doesn't know who. We liked to keep it to ourselves, as selfish as it sounds, for him to do his job properly and for me to work freely as well.

I realized that whenever you're associated with Michael's name, it's always a big deal. You get more than one opportunity for a certain task or business offers come running to you. I commend his PR people for keeping my name in the shadows, that way clients can still see my work as my own and not a prize to get closer to Michael.

I have worked day and night to get into this position that I'm in, and it is no doubt that with just one flash photography of myself with him, years of hard work will go down the drain. People will just see me as a person who is using him for his name. It will likely go down that path. But I thank the heavens because it hasn't happened yet, and I wish to keep it that way.

I rolled the plans I'm working on neatly and place them on the box beside my drafting table. Jaz and I opted to work a few more hours today to finish some details for Michael's dance and recording studio. That building is a special case since it needs the right acoustics and materials. Knowing him, he's meticulous about things like this so I need to run these plans with him for approval.

Jaz is also fixing her things so we can go out to dinner before it gets late. When I looked at the wall clock, it's already eight in the evening. My stomach started grumbling and I looked at Jaz who also looked at me at the same time and had a telepathy moment. We laughed it off and joined each other's company and decided to grab dinner at the restaurant down the block for the first time in a long time.

Bill and Steven always pick me up on a Friday so l could immediately talk to Michael once I got in the car. However, I asked him if it's okay to have this night for me and Jaz, to have some bonding time alone. He insisted on letting them pick us up but it will cause more attention and we both didn't want that so he just reminded me to be cautious of my surroundings.

Nobody knew who I was and nobody knows I'm associated with Michael by any means, so I guess it's safe to say that I can still stroll around the city without getting bombarded with cameras and questions up in my face.

Upon stepping foot outside the premises, an odd feeling came over me that made me search across the streets and on the parking lot. I found nothing suspicious or maybe it's just the little voice in my head that's being paranoid.

We took a walk to the restaurant Jaz has been dying for me to try when she and Ace went out. Quite skeptical for those two having dinner together but who am I to judge. We went inside the restaurant and she asked the hostess for her reservation. While they're having a conversation, I still feel a lingering feeling behind my back that made me turn around.

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