The checkup

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it had now been the morning of the next day i heard a knock in my room door which had turned out to be tony with bruce

"hey kid i saw that you haven't had a doc checkup since like you were 13 so i wanted bruce to give you one. yea?"
"oh uh, sure i don't see why not" i walked out with them as they lead em to something like a med bay

and so bruce checked my height, weight, pulse

"so why haven't you had a checkup since you were 13?" my uncle asked who was still here

"oh i just didnt find it necessary, plus i don't like unknown doctors, they creep me out, or like hospitals and doctors offices really, they freak and stress me out, the whole environment is just a little too off, y'know like you could be going for a simple checkup while someone in the room next you just got diagnosed with a deathly disease, i don't like the idea"
tony raised his eyebrows

"dang kid you kinda got a point" tony stared off questioning my answer before coming back when bruce asked

"have you ever broken any bones?"

"well...let's see, i broke my left arm like 2 times, my right one like 3 times, mmmm i broke my clavicle probably, roughly 2 times, my nose like smoothly more than 4 times, my neck about 6 times, i don't know how i keep breaking it (a/n true story i've broken my neck more than 10 times, whenever i did it just like started pounding like i never fell or anything it just started pounding in the most random situations like school or cars or restaurants and boom another fractured neck somehow, n e ways) i've broken my fingers more than 12 times, and my ribs 3 times  and uh my foot once, so like
how much is that?"

"what the hell kate?" tony asked with eyebrows scrunched

"that's like more than 30 times kate"

"it's really not as bad as it sounds uncle t, most of them were fingers and that's like whatever"

bruce cleared his throat "right well, any physical or mental illnesses diagnosed?" bruce continued

"uhhh, last time i got checked, debilitating anxiety and adhd, but i think they got better over the years so it's fine" i looked over to see tony questioning how much he even knew about me.i got diagnosed at 14 after my dad died so it wasn't that very surprising

"are you on meds for it?" bruce seemed to be writing down stuff in a notepad

"uh no i refused it after the first week, i felt like it took away my personality" i laughed a little

" alright, i'm gonna say a word and you say the first word that comes to mind" and i nodded


"annoying" i rolled my eyes


"gray" i smiled thinking about  brian's skyline




i smiled even more thinking about the red mazda dom gave me for my 16th birthday.

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