You better call becky with the good hair😍
( your pov )
I knock on the door of my girlfriends house waiting for her to get ready for school. She answers the door and I walk in. Her mom wasnt home so it was just the two of us. "Hey, almost ready?" I lean in and peck her lips. "Yup, just give me a minute to put my shoes on."
I sit down on her couch and watch tv for a bit. "Ok I'm ready, we can go now."
I get off of the couch and turn the tv off. We exit the house and Sam turns around to lock it. We start walking to the car and I open her door for her. She gets in and I go to my side and start driving.Half way through the drive I get a text saying that school was canceled due to some bomb thing. "Hey sam, schools canceled wanna go to my house?"
"Sure." The drive there was scilent, but not an awkward scilent. It was more of a comfortable scilent.
When we arrive I get out and walk to her side opening her door for her and helping her out. We walk up to my porch and I search for my keys. I unlock the door and we go inside.
"Wheres your dad?" I open my fridge and grab a water bottle. "Probably in an alleyway drinking his life away." I laugh.
"What do you want to do?" She asks. I look at her and think for a bit. "Wanna go to my room and listen to music or something."
"Sure" we get up and start heading up stairs. We walk into my room and she sit down on my bed. "You wanna borrow some clothes?" "Yeah" I hand her some clothes and she walks into the bathroom to change. I change into something more comfortable as well and lay down.
She comes out of the bathroom and crawls into my arms. We lay there for a while just enjoying eachothers presence. I start to here little snores so I look down and see that she fell asleep. I kiss the top of her head before closing my eyes and let sleep overcome me as well.